Pop up Calendar and date picker for Microsoft Excel.

Pop up Calendar and date picker for Microsoft Excel.

WinCalendar is also a free calendar that integrates with Microsoft Excel & Word. It works with any recent version of Microsoft Office (version 12-16).  Features:

  • Advanced scrolling perpetual calendar design for easy use (you can also navigate using your mouse's scroll wheel)
  • Floats on top of Excel just like a toolbar & updates automatically user selected date!
  • Loads quickly & easily by hotkey, Excel menu or ...
  • Right-Click any Excel date to display WinCalendar as a Excel pop-up Calendar...
Calendar in Excel
  • WinCalendar 'snaps' to the user selected date!
  • Customizable size & features.
  • Reflects built in holidays through the year 2030 for any one of 15 countries.
  • The same WinCalendar can also be viewed both in Windows (stand-alone) & Microsoft Word.
  • You can save user daily appointments.. they will then appear just like holidays in WinCalendar.
  • Download WinCalendar.
  • Works with recent Excel versions (v9-16) including Office 365 Excel. Also works as a stand alone Windows Calendar & as a MS Word Calendar.