Saint Stephen's Day

European Union
European Union

Saint Stephen's Day Quick Facts

AKA NameFeast of Saint Stephen
2025 Date26 December 2025
2026 Date26 December 2026

Saint Stephen's Day

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Saint Stephen's Day History

Saint Stephen's Day is celebrated in honor of the first Christian martyr, Saint Stephen. The day commemorates his life and contributions to the early Christian church. Activities on the day include attending special church services, participating in charitable endeavors, and engaging in family gatherings and feasts.

The tradition of Saint Stephen's Day goes back to the early Christian church, following Saint Stephen’s martyrdom in Jerusalem in the first century AD. The holiday has played a significant role in European Union member states such as Ireland, Spain, Italy, Luxembourg, and Poland, which have deep-rooted Catholic and Anglican traditions. Saint Stephen's Day has evolved over time, incorporating local customs and traditions. For instance, in Ireland, the day has been associated with the wren boys, wherein participants dress up in masks, straw suits, and colorful clothing to commemorate the observance.

In Austria and Germany, people participate in processions, while also observing a children's holiday known as Stephanitag. In Italy, La Festa di Santo Stefano is celebrated with family gatherings, feasting, and time spent with loved ones. In Ireland, activities like the wren boys traditions are prevalent. Saint Stephen's Day is observed on the 26th of December, except in countries using the Eastern Orthodox calendar, where it takes place on the 27th of December.

Top facts and quotes about Saint Stephen's Day

  • The name Stephen is Greek and in Act 6 of The Bible, it says that Saint Stephen is a Hellenist, which means that he is a foreign-born Jew who spoke Greek.
  • The name Stephen (Greek: Stefanos) means crown or wreath.
  • As they were stoning Stephen, he called out, Lord Jesus, receive my spirit. Then he fell to his knees and cried out in a loud voice, Lord, do not hold this sin against them; and when he said this, he fell asleep. - (Acts of the Apostles, 7:55-60)
  • You desire that which exceeds my humble powers, but I trust in the compassion and mercy of the All-powerful God. – Saint Stephen.

Saint Stephen's Day Top Events and Things to Do

  • Hunt a wren (a small bird). This is an old tradition from Ireland where young boys would go out and hunt a wren until they either killed the bird or it died from exhaustion. Once dead it was tied atop a pole or bush and decorated.
  • Watch a movie about Christianity. Some of our favourites are: Passion of the Christ (2004), Jesus (1979), and Son of God (2014).
  • Visit the statue of St Stephen in Budapest, Hungary. Hungary is one of the largest celebrators of St Stephen’s Day, and every year there is a large celebration held at the St Stephen statue to commemorate him.
  • Take part in the Putignano carnival celebration in Italy. It is the oldest carnival in Europe and one in the town where St Stephen’s remains are supposedly housed.
  • Spread awareness on social media by using the hashtag #StStephenDay, #Wren Day and #SaintStephen.

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