Saint Luke

Saint Luke Quick Facts in Australia

AKA NameFeast of St. Luke, Evangelist, Feast of the Holy Apostle and Evangelist St. Luke
Related Hashtags#StLuke
2025 Date18 October 2025
2026 Date18 October 2026

Saint Luke

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St Luke History

The Observance of Saint Luke is a Christian holiday celebrated annually on October 18 to honor the life and works of Saint Luke the Evangelist. Saint Luke is one of the four authors of the Gospels in the New Testament, having written the Gospel of Luke and the Book of Acts. He was also a physician, hence earning him the designation of the patron saint of doctors, surgeons, and artists, particularly painters. The saint's feast day is an opportunity for believers to reflect on the impact of Saint Luke on early Christianity and his role in spreading the faith worldwide.

Saint Luke is believed to have been a close companion of Saint Paul, together traveling across ancient Europe and Asia during their missionary journeys. As the only Gospel writer believed to have been a Gentile, Saint Luke's works emphasize the universality of the Christian message, translated to a broad audience, including non-Jews. For Australians, Luke's Gospel has a unique resonance due to its focus on concern for the poor, social justice, and forgiveness, issues deeply entwined with Australian society's social fabric. Moreover, the observance of Saint Luke has unifying significance within the Australian context, as his message of universal Christian love transcends denominational boundaries.

In Australia, the Feast of Saint Luke is commemorated through church services, prayers, and liturgical readings, including scripture passages from the Gospel of Luke. Congregations and faith-based organisations also hold events promoting medical missions, social outreach programs, and artistic expressions to honour the saint. The feast of Saint Luke is observed on October 18 every year, coinciding with the international celebration of this important figure in the Christian faith.

Saint Luke facts

  • The Gospel of Luke describes a popular passage referred to as the 'The Parable of the Good Samaritan'. In it a traveling man is attacked by robbers who strip and beat him. A priest and a Levite pass by without helping him. A Samaritan stops and cares for him, taking him to an inn where the Samaritan pays for his care. (Luke 10:25-37)
  • Tradition suggests that Saint Luke lived to 84 years old, and he was likely martyred, but the details of his death are unknown. Some accounts propose he might have died of natural causes.
  • According to tradition, the winged ox or bull is the symbol representing Saint Luke, signifying sacrifice, service, and strength.
  • Saint Luke is the patron saint of artists, brewers, butchers, physicians, and students.
  • There are several religious artworks of Saint Luke displayed in churches across Australia. These often depict him with a winged ox or bull, relating to the sacrifices made to God in the Old Testament.

Top things to do in Australia for this religious observance

  • Some traditions believe that St. Luke, in addition to being a writer and physician, was a painter. Do a little artwork today to honor the saint.
  • Go get a check up. Luke was a physician. Take care of your body in honor of St. Luke.
  • Consider preparing a meal or dishes that were popular during biblical times. Research ancient recipes or meals from Luke's time; this can be a fun and educational way to connect with the historical context of the Gospels and honor St. Luke.
  • Spend the day learning about Saint Luke's life, his role as a physician and evangelist, and his contributions to the early Christian community. You can read books or articles, watch documentaries, or listen to podcasts focused on Saint Luke.

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