
Christmas Quick Facts in Canada

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Christmas History

Christmas in Canada celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ, symbolizing goodwill, joy, and love. It is a particular time of the year marked by various customs that reflect the country's rich cultural diversity. Beyond attending church services and exchanging gifts, many Canadians indulge in charitable efforts, aligning with the deeper meaning of this Observance. Undoubtedly, Christmas in the Great White North is indeed a festival of unity and generosity.

The origins of Christmas in Canada can be traced back to the early European settlers who brought their unique traditions to the new land. Over time, these customs have adapted and have been complemented by traditions from various immigrant communities. Significant to Canadians, outdoor activities such as attending Christmas parades, caroling, and tree-lighting ceremonies define the season. A uniquely Canadian custom is the children's belief in Santa Claus residing in the North Pole, Canada, resulting in thousands of letters sent annually through Canada Post.

Christmas is observed nationwide, and there are several customs and traditions. Canadians decorate their homes with fairy lights, Christmas trees, and nativity scenes. Special meals with loved ones take place, often including traditional turkey, roast beef, or tourtière - a traditional meat pie. In certain parts of Canada, particularly in the province of Newfoundland and Labrador, a unique tradition called 'Mummering' or 'Jannying' is followed during the twelve days of Christmas, where locals dress in disguises and visit homes in their community, bringing festive cheer. As per the universally accepted calendar, Christmas Day is celebrated each year on December 25th and is recognized as a public holiday across the country.

Christmas facts

  • During the 4th Century A.D., Bishop Nicolas of Smyrna was known to be very generous to the poor, especially to children. He was later given the title of Saint Nicholas and is patron saint of children.
  • Constantine the Great named the holiday and set the date for Jesus' birth as being December 25th. This happened in 325 A.D.
  • The Christmas tree is a custom that is believed to have begun in Germany in the 18th century. Candles and decorations that are lit represented the light of Christ in the world.
  • In 1971, Canada set the record for the world's tallest Christmas tree when a 66-meter (217-foot) Douglas fir was erected at Northgate Shopping Center in North Vancouver, British Columbia.
  • A unique Christmas tradition from Newfoundland and Labrador is mummering. People dress up in costumes, wearing masks or other face coverings, and visit neighbors' houses to sing, dance, and partake in festive celebrations. The hosts must guess the identity of their disguised guests.

Top things to do in Canada for Christmas

  • Attend a Christmas Eve service at a local church. Many churches offer midnight mass. Alternately, watch the Pope's annual Christmas eve service broadcast live from the Vatican.
  • Many churches hold pageants for children that involve playing the parts of the nativity scene. Go to one of these events or put up a nativity scene in your home.
  • Watching classics like Home Alone, A Christmas Story, or Canadian favorites like A Very Canadian Christmas is a popular way to get into the holiday spirit.
  • Christmas Eve or Christmas Day services at churches are essential for those who celebrate the religious aspects of the holiday.

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