Saint Thomas

Saint Thomas Quick Facts in Canada

AKA NameSt Thomas The Apostle
2025 DateJuly 3, 2025
2026 DateJuly 3, 2026

Saint Thomas Day

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St Thomas History

Saint Thomas Day is an observance dedicated to celebrating the life and achievements of Saint Thomas the Apostle, who is revered in Christianity for his role as one of the twelve apostles of Jesus Christ. Known for his devotion and loyalty to Jesus, it is said that Saint Thomas spread the Christian faith to regions such as Persia, Ethiopia, and India. The Observance of Saint Thomas Day seeks to pay tribute to this influential figure in the Christian faith, highlighting his unwavering faith, determination, and mission to spread the gospel.

The history of Saint Thomas Day dates back to ancient Christian tradition, when the feast day was established within the liturgical calendar. For Canadians of various Christian denominations, this observance is an opportunity not only to reflect on Saint Thomas's legacy with appreciation, respect, and admiration but also to enhance their understanding of the faith's long and intricate history. Saint Thomas's willingness to travel far and wide to share his beliefs serves as a reminder for Canadians to cherish and uphold the values of diversity, tolerance, and faith in their own lives and communities.

Canadian Christians mark Saint Thomas Day by attending special church services, where prayers and hymns in honour of Saint Thomas are a focal point. Some communities may also hold related events, such as educational talks or forums discussing the life and contributions of Saint Thomas to the Christian faith. These gatherings foster a sense of unity and offer valuable insights for those seeking to deepen their understanding and appreciation of this significant religious figure. Saint Thomas Day is observed annually on July 3rd.

Saint Thomas facts

  • Thomas didn't believe the apostles when they saw Jesus the first time after the resurrection. He saw Jesus himself during his second appearance, and touched the wounds on his hands and side (John 20:24-29).
  • Church tradition says that Thomas traveled to eastern lands, including Persia, to evangelize to the people there about Jesus. He is thought to have settled in India.
  • Until 1970, Saint Thomas Day was celebrated on December 21 in the Roman Catholic Church. With the revision of the liturgical calendar, the feast was moved to July 3 in Canada
  • In some French Canadian communities with Catholic roots, Saint Thomas Day was once observed with customs such as house or barn blessings and organizing winter activities.

Top things to do in Canada for Saint Thomas Day

  • Read writings by St. Thomas. Several early church documents bearing Thomas' name are popular, including the Gospel of Thomas, which is a collection of Jesus' sayings. Other texts include the Acts of Thomas and the Infancy Gospel of Thomas. None of these texts were included in the Bible.
  • Thousands of Indians claim to be descendants of the Christians that Thomas helped to convert. Join them on a pilgrimage in Paylador to the traditional spot of Thomas' tomb, Our Lady of Lourdes Cathedral of the Syro-Malabar Archdiocese of Trichur (Kerala, India).
  • Visit historic sites such as Notre-Dame Basilica in Montreal or the Parliament Buildings in Ottawa.
  • Canada has many beautiful beaches, so consider spending a day soaking up the sun and enjoying water activities.

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