Belgian National Day

Belgian National Day Quick Facts - NL

AKA NameNat'l.e Feestdag van België
Related Hashtags#België, #Belgium, #Bel, #21juli, #Belgie, #NationaleFeestdag
2023 Date21 July 2023
2024 Date21 July 2024
Belgian National Day

Belgian National Day History

Belgian National Day celebrates the birth of the Belgian nation, Belgian culture and pride and Belgium’s independence from the Netherlands. On July 21, 1831, Leopold of Saxe-Cobourg and Gotha swore allegiance to the Belgian constitution and became King Leopold I, the first King of the Belgians. The new King’s swearing in marked the beginning of a constitutional monarchy that ruled over the independent state of Belgium.

Belgian National Day is celebrated annually on 21 July. The day was first celebrated in 1890 and the Saxe-Cobourg and Gotha bloodline still heads the Belgium State today.

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Belgian National Day Facts & Quotes

  • The primary catalyst that led to Belgium’s independence was the Belgian Revolution that occurred on 25 August, 1830. Revolutionaries destroyed industry buildings and looted shops. Army recruits deserted, which left the military powerless.
  • It took nearly a year after the revolutions for the country to gain its independence. A new Belgian constitution was drafted and completed on 25 November 1830 but it did not gain approval until 7 February 1831, and the nation was not officially recognised until July 21st of 1831.
  • One of the most important dates in the Belgian Revolution is December 20, 1830. This was the day when the power recognised the separation of Belgium and its province from the Kingdom of the Netherlands.
  • The current King of Belgium is Philippe Léopold Louis Marie. He ascended to the throne in 2013 when his father, King Albert II, stepped down.
  • A reform is a correction of abuses; a revolution is a transfer of power. – Edward G. Bulwer-Lytton, English novelist, poet, playwright and politician.

Belgian National Day Top Events and Things to Do

  • Attend the king’s inspection of the Belgian Army in a parade that passes in front of the Royal Palace and around the Parc de Bruxelles.
  • Watch a movie about the Belgian revolution, Belgian heritage or Belgian pride. Some of our favourites are: Daens (1992), De Witte (1934), and Brussels by Night (1983).
  • Go to the popular feast in Parc de Bruxelles and Place Poelaert and have some delicious food with some local Belgian nationals! Try some croquettes, croquet (grilled sandwich), eel and flamiche (cheese tart) to celebrate the day.
  • Attend the re-enactment of a military camp by the 101e Airborne in the Parc de Bruxelles. This re-enactment commemorates the Second World War which greatly affected Belgium and Europe as a continent.
  • Spread awareness of social media by using the hashtag #BelgianNationalDay, #BelgianDay, #21JulBelgianDay and #BelgianIndependenceDay.

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