
Pentecost Quick Facts in the EU

AKA NameWhitsunday, Pinksteren
HashtagsCompiled on#PENTECOST
Related Hashtags#HolySpirit
2025 Date8 June 2025
2026 Date24 May 2026


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Pentecost History

The Observance of Pentecost is a Christian holiday that commemorates the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the Apostles and other followers of Jesus Christ. Pentecost holds a unique relevance for millions of citizens, as the EU traces its roots to the Christian values and principles promoted by its founding fathers. This celebration serves as a reminder of the diverse cultural heritage that has shaped the region.

The history of Pentecost dates back to the Jewish tradition of celebrating Shavuot, which also commemorated the giving of the Torah at Mount Sinai. It was during this celebration that the biblical event of the Holy Spirit's descent took place, as recorded in the book of Acts. This event came to be venerated as the birth of the Church, symbolizing the manifestation of the Holy Spirit and marking the beginnings of a new spiritual community.

Pentecost is celebrated on the 50th day after Easter. Pentecost falls on a Sunday, making it a movable feast that varies in date each year. This day offers an opportunity for reflection and appreciation of the shared spiritual heritage that binds the European Union together.

Pentecost facts

  • In the Roman Catholic tradition, Pentecost is sometimes called Whitsunday (pronounced: 'with - Sunday'). The name comes from the white color of garments that people wore who were being baptized typically wore.
  • The Holy Spirit, often depicted as wind or a dove in the Bible, is the third part of the Christian Trinity, which also includes the Father, God, and Jesus Christ, the Son. The Holy Spirit is also referred to sometimes as the Holy Ghost.
  • Red is the liturgical color associated with Pentecost, representing the flames of fire and the Holy Spirit's presence.
  • In some European countries, Pentecost is not called by its original name but called Whitsunday or Whitsun. Whitsun refers to the traditional white garments worn by people who were baptized on this day.
  • In the Eastern Orthodox Church, Pentecost is also known as the "Feast of Holy Pentecost" and is considered one of the twelve Great Feasts.

Top things to do in the EU for Pentecost

  • Pentecost is a particularly appropriate day to join a church. In the early church, it was a day when the newly converted, after a period of preparation, were baptized.
  • Some churches stress mission around Pentecost. See what your local church is doing to help your community and get involved.
  • Celebrate Pentecost by watching a documentary about Christianity in the European Union. Here are some suggestions:
    1. Charismatic Renewal in Europe: From the 1960s to 2000s - This documentary explores the history of the Charismatic Renewal movement within the European Union, which has its roots in the experiences of Pentecost. It features interviews with key figures and offers insight into its impact on European Christianity.
    2. Pentecostal Europe - This documentary examines the growth of Pentecostalism within Europe, exploring its historical roots, theological distinctives, and social impact in various EU countries.
    3. The Holy Spirit in a Changing Europe - Focusing on the role of the Holy Spirit in shaping the religious and cultural landscape in Europe, this documentary explores various Christian traditions, including those with ties to Pentecost.
    4. The Road to Rome: Europe's Journey to the Holy Spirit - This documentary chronicles the European Union's historical journey towards a deeper understanding of the role of the Holy Spirit, including the Spirit's work at Pentecost. It highlights the events that have shaped the EU's stance on Christianity and religious freedom.
  • Attend a local Pentecost fair. In various European countries, such as the Netherlands, Hungary, and Poland, Pentecost is celebrated with outdoor fairs that include food stalls, arts, and crafts markets, games, and live music performances.

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