
Purim Quick Facts in Israel

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Purim History

Purim celebrates the survival of the Jewish people during the ancient Persian Empire, as recorded in the Biblical book of Esther. This Observance holds great significance for it typically includes public feasts, charitable giving, merriment, and other joyous traditions. A central aspect is the recitation of the book of Esther, known as Megillah, typically done at synagogue.

The origins of Purim can be traced back circa 400 BCE, during the reign of Persian King Ahasuerus. The story goes that Haman, a royal official, plotted to annihilate all Jews living throughout the Persian Empire. Nevertheless, due to the intervention of Queen Esther and her cousin Mordecai, the Jews were spared, and Haman was executed instead. For the Jewish people in Israel, Purim acts as a powerful reminder of this triumph against all odds, reinforcing themes of unity, perseverance, and pride in their resilient heritage.

In Israel, Purim is traditionally celebrated with grand carnivals, colorful costumes, and street parties radiating festive energy. During this time, it is customary for children, and sometimes adults, to don costumes, celebrating the concealment of identities that is part of the Purim tale. Delicious triangle-shaped pastries known as Hamantaschen, after Haman, are also prepared and savored during the festival. Amidst more pious rituals, like giving to the needy and participating in communal feasts, a lighter note is struck with "Purim Shpiels," humorous plays and satires. In accordance with the Hebrew calendar, Purim occurs in the month of Adar and is traditionally observed on the 14th day, mirroring the joyous aftermath of the Jews' deliverance as recounted in the Scripture. In Jerusalem, however, the Observance takes place a day later, on the 15th of Adar, a distinction stemming from its status as a city that has been walled since the time of Joshua.

Facts about Purim

  • Purim is considered to be a joyous holiday often accompanied by celebrations, plays, festive food and costume parties.
  • Purim holiday is often preceded by fast, referred to as the Fast of Esther. This fast commemorates Esther's three days of fasting in preparation for her meeting with the king. The fast is observed from dawn until dusk on the eve of Purim.
  • The story of Purim is told in the book of Esther, which is also known as "the Scroll" (Megillah in Hebrew).
  • In many parts of Israel, Purim is marked by big street parties. The most famous of these takes place in the city of Tel Aviv. People of all ages dress up in costumes, and there are parades, performances, and music.
  • It's tradition across the world to read the Book of Esther, known as the Megillah, on the eve of Purim and the following morning. In Synagogues all around Israel, this tradition is upheld often with congregants joining in to make noise at each mention of the villain, Haman.

Top things to do in Israel for Purim

  • Make a Mishloach Manot (also known as mishloach manos or shalach manos). This is a gift of at least two kinds of food that are ready to eat. Give them out to neighbors, friends and associates.
  • Make Hamantaschen cookies. These are pocket triangle shaped cookies that are often made with fruit, poppy seed or cheese filling.
  • Attend the Purim Street Party: Every year in the city of Tel Aviv, a massive street party takes place to celebrate Purim. Thousands of people flock to Kikar Hamedina to enjoy live music, dancing, and of course, brilliant costumes.
  • Read a book to learn more about Purim in Israel:
    Celebrating the Jewish Year: The Spring and Summer Holidays:Passover, Shavuot, The Omer, Tisha B'Av, Lag Ba'omer & Shavuot - by Paul Steinberg
    Festivals of Faith: Reflections on the Jewish Holidays - By Rabbi Dr. Norman Lamm


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