Yom Hazikaron in 2021

Yom Hazikaron Quick Facts - IL 2021

AKA NameYom Hazikaron l'Chalalei Ma'arachot Yisrael ul'Nifge'ei Pe'ulot Ha'eivah, Israel's Memorial Day, Memorial Day for the Fallen Soldiers of Israel and Victims of Terrorism
HashtagsCompiled on#YomHaZikaron, #YomHaatzmaut
Related Hashtags#Israel
2021 Date14 April 2021
2022 Date3 May 2022

Yom HaZikaron Starts (Israel)

Yom HaZikaron Starts (Israel) in
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Yom Hazikaron (Starts) in 2021

Yom HaZikaron (Israeli Memorial Day) seeks to remember those who gave their lives in defense of the State of Israel. This day serves as a national day of mourning.

Top X Posts (formerly Tweets) for Yom Hazikaron - in 2021


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