No Bra Day

No Bra Day Quick Facts in India

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No Bra Day

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No Bra Day History

No Bra Day aims to raise awareness about breast cancer and promote breast health. The campaign, which encourages women to forego wearing a bra for a day, also serves as a platform for women to get screened regularly for breast cancer and understanding its risk factors. Emphasizing the importance of early detection and treatment, No Bra Day has gained significant global attention and support, highlighting the need for continuous efforts to combat one of the most common cancers affecting women across the world.

While the exact origin of No Bra Day is uncertain, it has been observed since 2011, with numerous people participating via social media platforms using the hashtag #NoBraDay. In India, where breast cancer accounts for around 25% of all cancer cases among women, this campaign carries immense significance. Awareness campaigns like No Bra Day can help break the taboo and stigma associated with discussing breast cancer openly in Indian society. Moreover, by educating Indians about the importance of self-examination and early detection, such observances aim to mitigate the alarming breast cancer mortality rate in the country.

To observe No Bra Day within India, women are encouraged to join the global movement by refraining from wearing a bra for a day and sharing their participation on social media platforms. This not only shows solidarity with the cause but also helps in creating a greater awareness about the severity of breast cancer in India. No Bra Day is typically observed on October 13th.

No Bra Day facts

  • While a lump in the breast is a common symptom of breast cancer, there are other possible symptoms including changes in breast size or shape, skin dimpling, breast or nipple pain, nipple retraction, redness, scaliness, or thickening of the nipple or breast skin, or a nipple discharge other than breast milk.
  • If one or more members of your family have had breast cancer, it may increase your risk. In particular, mutations in the genes BRCA1 and BRCA2 significantly raise your risk of developing breast cancer.
  • Things like smoking, alcohol consumption, poor diet, lack of exercise, and obesity have all been linked to an increased risk of breast cancer. Making healthy lifestyle choices can help reduce your risk.
  • Unlike the west, the median age of breast cancer diagnosis in India is lower. The most affected age group is 40-50 years, much younger than the Western countries (53-57 years).
  • Breast cancer incidence rates are increasing due to changes in reproductive patterns such as late age at first child birth, fewer children, and less breast feeding, which have protective effects against breast cancer.

Top things to do in India for No Bra Day

  • Pink ribbons are widely recognized symbols of Breast Cancer Awareness. On No Bra Day, many individuals wear pink ribbons on their clothes or pin them to their bags to show solidarity and raise awareness.
  • Many individuals take to social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter to share posts, pictures, or graphics related to breast cancer awareness on No Bra Day. By sharing informative content, personal stories, or encouraging others to get regular screenings, people contribute to the cause digitally.

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