Eid al Adha

Eid al Adha Quick Facts in Nigeria

AKA NameFeast of Sacrifice, Bakreed (Urdu), Day of Sacrifice
HashtagsCompiled on#EidAlAdha
Related Hashtags#Eid_Al_Adha
2025 Date6 June 2025
2026 Date27 May 2026

Eid al Adha (Begins)

Eid al Adha (Begins) in

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Date shown for 2025 is estimated as the official date has not been finalized as of March 2025.

Eid al-Adha History

Eid al-Adha, also known as the Festival of Sacrifice, is one of the most significant festivals in Islam. In Nigeria, it is celebrated to commemorate Prophet Ibrahim's willingness to sacrifice his son Ismail as an act of devotion to Allah. Eid al-Adha has an important role in strengthening the bonds between Muslims, and it teaches the values of sacrifice, generosity, and compassion. It also serves as a reminder of the importance of obedience to the commands of Allah and celebrates the strength of faith and devotion to Him.

The festival takes place on the tenth day of Dhu al-Hijjah, the last month of the Islamic calendar. Muslims all over Nigeria gather to perform Eid prayers, exchange gifts and greetings, and share food with family, friends, and the less privileged. Eid al-Adha is also a time when Muslims perform qurbani, the sacrifice of an animal, such as a goat or a sheep, to honor Prophet Ibrahim's willingness to sacrifice his son. The meat from the animal is divided into three parts: one for the family, one for friends and neighbors, and one for the poor.

The history of Eid al-Adha in Nigeria dates back to the introduction of Islam in the region. It became a significant festival as more people converted to Islam, and it is now celebrated with great enthusiasm across the country. Eid al-Adha is observed on June 28th this year.

Facts about Eid al-Adha

  • Unlike regular prayers, prayers for Eid al-Adha takes place in any large, open field. There Muslims from many mosques congregate together. Usually, mosques collaborate together to find a field that is convenient for everyone to go to. In the United States, Eid prayers often occur in parks.
  • Festivities begin with a prayer service, followed by a brief sermon on the morning of the first day. During the prayer, Muslims recite verses from the Quran, lead by an Imam, prostrate to God, and send their peace to Muhammad and Abraham.
  • During Eid al Adha, Nigerian Muslims wear traditional attire that reflects the diverse culture of the country. Men usually wear flowing gowns called Babanriga, while women wear colorful dresses with intricate embroidery called Buba.
  • A unique aspect of Nigeria's Eid al-Adha celebration is the Durbar festival, which is held in several northern cities, including Kano, Katsina, and Zaria. This event involves a spectacular royal procession of emirs (traditional rulers) and their entourage, dressed in brightly colored attire and riding on horseback, accompanied by traditional drumming and music.

Top things to do in Nigeria for Eid al-Adha

  • Often, a large party is thrown by Muslims on one of the three days of Eid al-Adha. Meat from slaughtered animals is served.
  • It is Islamic tradition to wear your most beautiful clothes on the first day of Eid al-Adha. A few days before Eid al-Adha, Muslims shop for their new Eid clothes. Merchants in Islamic countries often hold their biggest sales before Eid al-Adha.
  • Visit local parks and leisure centers, such as Millenium Park in Abuja or the Lekki Conservation Centre in Lagos, to relax and have fun with family and friends.
  • Witness the colorful and traditional Durbar Festival held in cities like Kano, Zaria, and Katsina. The festival showcases equestrian parades, horse riding displays, traditional music, and dancing.

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