Saint Luke

Saint Luke Quick Facts in NZ

AKA NameFeast of St. Luke, Evangelist, Feast of the Holy Apostle and Evangelist St. Luke
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2025 Date18 October 2025
2026 Date18 October 2026

Saint Luke

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St Luke History

The Observance of Saint Luke is a special occasion commemorating the life and works of Saint Luke the Evangelist, known as the patron saint of artists, doctors, and surgeons. This day honours his significant contributions to the early Christian community, mainly through his authorship of the Gospel of Luke and the Acts of the Apostles. The Observance of Saint Luke is marked by various events worldwide, such as church services, processions, and artistic displays, reminding believers of his role in spreading the faith and preserving the teachings of Jesus Christ.

Saint Luke was a Greek physician known to be a close companion of the Apostle Paul. In New Zealand, some individuals may find particular interest in Saint Luke's figure due to his background as a doctor, given that the health care sector is an essential aspect of society in the country. The authorship of the Gospel of Luke, which incorporates aspects of social justice, healing, and reconciliation, also resonates with the unique national values of Aotearoa, where the focus is on fostering unity and harmony amongst its diverse population.

In New Zealand, the Observance of Saint Luke entails church services held in Anglican, Catholic, and other Christian denominations, highlighting the life and work of Saint Luke and encouraging believers to reflect on his teachings and their implications in their daily lives. Communities pray and engage in acts of service that align with the values propounded by Saint Luke. The specific date of the Observance in New Zealand is the 18th of October, in line with the tradition of many Christian churches across the globe.

Saint Luke facts

  • The Gospel of Luke describes a popular passage referred to as the 'The Parable of the Good Samaritan'. In it a traveling man is attacked by robbers who strip and beat him. A priest and a Levite pass by without helping him. A Samaritan stops and cares for him, taking him to an inn where the Samaritan pays for his care. (Luke 10:25-37)
  • Tradition suggests that Saint Luke lived to 84 years old, and he was likely martyred, but the details of his death are unknown. Some accounts propose he might have died of natural causes.
  • According to tradition, the winged ox or bull is the symbol representing Saint Luke, signifying sacrifice, service, and strength.
  • Saint Luke's statues can be found in a number of older New Zealand churches, including St Patrick's Cathedral in Auckland and Sacred Heart Cathedral in Wellington.
  • Given Saint Luke's status as the Patron Saint of Doctors, his teachings may have indirectly shaped New Zealand's healthcare system, which is known for its high standard of care.

Top things to do in NZ for this religious observance

  • Some traditions believe that St. Luke, in addition to being a writer and physician, was a painter. Do a little artwork today to honor the saint.
  • Go get a check up. Luke was a physician. Take care of your body in honor of St. Luke.
  • Considering that Saint Luke is also believed to have been an artist, some people engage in creative activities such as painting, drawing, or even attending art workshops to explore their artistic talents on this day.
  • Saint Luke's Day is named after the biblical figure Saint Luke, who was a physician and one of the Gospel writers. Many churches hold special services to commemorate the day, with prayers, hymns, and readings related to Saint Luke's life and teachings.

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