Free Comic Book Day

Free Comic Book Day Quick Facts in the UK

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2025 Date3 May 2025
2026 Date2 May 2026

Free Comic Book Day

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Free Comic Book Day History

Free Comic Book Day (FCBD) is dedicated to celebrating and promoting the intriguing world of comic books. The event enables established and aspiring comic readers of all ages to get immersed in the spectrum of comic book genres, from superhero sagas to manga, and from indie fare to graphic novels. Free Comic Book Day is organised to promote literacy, artistry, and the craft of sequential storytelling evident in comic books, thus allowing comic enthusiasts a chance to discover new titles, authors, and genres.

Free Comic Book Day officially began in North America in 2002, spearheaded by Diamond Comic Distributors, the largest comic book distributor worldwide, and has gained a foothold in several countries, including the United Kingdom. For people in the UK, the event presents an opportunity not only to explore a wide array of comic genres but also to support local comic book shops. UK-based distributors and publishers like Rebellion and Titan Comics have regularly participated in the event, offering a selection of comics crafted by British artists and writers, which acquaints the UK audience with the local comic book scene.

Across the United Kingdom, Free Comic Book Day is celebrated in a myriad of ways. Comic book stores in various cities typically offer a selection of free comics to their customers, often accompanied by signings, competitions, workshops, face painting sessions, and even special guest appearances to create a festive atmosphere. Importantly, it also presents a chance to bring together the community of comic book lovers. Free Comic Book Day is usually held on the first Saturday of May, providing an opportunity to bring the colourful pages of comic books alive, across cities and towns of the United Kingdom.

Facts about Free Comic Book Day

  • On January 11th 2024 a copy of The Amazing Spider-Man was sold for $1.38 million in a sale in Dallas, Texas.
  • The famous 'speech bubbles' in comic books were not always a common practice. They only became popular in the early 20th century. Before then, text would be written underneath images to provide dialogue and exposition.
  • Launched in 1977, 2000 AD, is a notable British comic anthology that shifted towards a more mature readership. It's most famous for its character Judge Dredd who also had his own feature films.
  • The Eagle, first published in the 1950s, is a seminal British comic series known for its high-quality, realistic art and adventurous stories, often focusing on science and history. Its most famous character is space pilot Dan Dare, often dubbed as Britain's Buck Rogers.

Top things to do in the UK for Free Comic Book Day

  • Stay informed about upcoming events and news. Stay up to date with all things relating to comic books.
  • Visit Orbital Comics, located in London, where they offer free comics and have special guests and activities for visitors on Free Comic Book Day.
  • Visit Page 45. a comic book store located in Nottingham, where they offer free comics, signings, and other fun activities for visitors.

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