Yom Kippur

Yom Kippur Quick Facts in the UK

AKA NameDay of Atonement
HashtagsCompiled on#YomKippur
2025 Date2 October 2025
2026 Date21 September 2026

Yom Kippur (Begins)

Yom Kippur (Begins) in

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Date shown for 2025 is estimated as the official date has not been finalized as of March 2025.

Yom Kippur History

Yom Kippur, also known as the Day of Atonement, is the holiest day in the Jewish calendar. This observance is for individuals to seek forgiveness and atonement for their sins, both from God and from others whom they may have harmed. The main aspects of Yom Kippur include fasting and intensive prayer; physical comfort is set aside as individuals focus on remorse, repentance, and spiritual renewal.

The origin of Yom Kippur can be traced back to biblical times, specifically in Leviticus 16, where God instructed the Israelites to observe a Day of Atonement, marked by fasting and prayer. For Jewish communities in the United Kingdom, this observance often includes visiting synagogues for prayer services, seeking heartfelt repentance, and engaging in dialogues with family, friends, and colleagues to ask for forgiveness for any mistakes or wrongdoings committed during the past year.

In the United Kingdom, Yom Kippur is observed similarly to other parts of the world. Synagogues generally hold services throughout the day, focusing on repentance and reflection, while individuals set aside personal desires and engage in fasting. Those observing Yom Kippur in the United Kingdom typically follow the Hebrew calendar, with the observance occurring on the 10th day of Tishrei, which falls between September and October in the Gregorian calendar. The exact dates vary from year to year, but the essence and spiritual significance of Yom Kippur remain a constant for Jewish communities worldwide.

Yom Kippur (Begins) facts

  • It is customary to eat a festive meal on the Eve of Yom Kippur with round challah bread, a meat meal and sustaining foods. One is not allowed to risk one's life and thus anyone in danger of life from fasting, including the young and sick are not allowed to fast. Yom Kippur is the only Jewish fast observed on a Sabbath, due to its importance.
  • Yom Kippur Liturgy in Orthodox and most Traditional communities includes Kol Nidre prayer in which Jews annul all their vows and Avinu Malkeinu, 'Our father our King'.
  • The Jewish tradition states that God inscribes each person's fate for the coming year into the Book of Life on Rosh Hashanah, and the verdict is sealed on Yom Kippur.
  • In 1290, King Edward I expelled all Jews from England in an event known as the Edict of Expulsion. Many Jews fled to continental Europe, taking their Yom Kippur traditions with them. It wasn't until the 17th century that Jews were allowed to return to England.
  • Work is generally avoided on Yom Kippur, and many Jewish businesses, schools, and organizations close or operate on a reduced schedule.

Top things to do in the UK for Yom Kippur

  • Attend or watch a Yom Kippur service. You can watch a Yom Kippur service on Youtube.
  • Learn about the Yom Kippur war. You can watch a documentary on the Yom Kippur war on YouTube.
  • Yom Kippur is a time for reflection and giving, so many Jewish organizations may hold charity drives or encourage people to volunteer and donate to those in need.
  • At the end of the fasting period, Jewish families and friends often come together for a break-the-fast meal. This meal usually includes lighter dishes to ease back into the consumption of solid foods, and it provides a time for communal reflection on the day's events.

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