Bomberos de Bilbo denuncian la inacción del gobierno valenciano del hijo de pvta de Mazón. No entienden como los manda a su casa queriendo ayudar. No puedo con esto, insisto, VAMOS A REVENTAR. From A.D.C.Bomberos Bilbao
Spain has been hit by a major flooding disaster. More than 200 people have lost their lives. 1000 are missing. @Santi_ABASCAL , the head of Spain’s 3rd-largest party @vox_es says the government has abandoned Show more
Wherever Bill Gates goes, anti-farming laws pop up. Just like he did in the US, he’s trying to destroy European family farming so we all end up eating his fake lab grown meat and manipulated foods. Another reason why Trump has Show more
Earlier this morning Janey passed away in her sleep. Her family were with her. The love and support from all her friends and fans during this cancer journey brought her enormous joy. It has also been a huge comfort to us, her family and close friends, thank Show more 5K 4K 33K 742K
Telegram has taken its first step toward becoming a video platform. Telegram servers now compress popular videos into multiple quality options and optimize them for streaming. Improved Videos and Much More