"Moonlit Floor (Kiss Me)" by #LISA is at #25 (-8) on the Global Spotify Daily chart with 3,463,062 (-192,556) filtered streams from yesterday! #LALISA @wearelloud
BREAKING: Poland starts construction of 400 km (250 miles) defensive line on the borders with Russia and Belarus. The “Eastern Shield” line will consists of 800 km of ditches, defensive fortifications, minefields Show more
Jewish Rabbis talk about their plan of “cultural genocide” against Europe and America. They engineered the migrant crisis. They are not only destroying the Middle East, they are destroying the West too. From Jongiraitis
«El PSOE vuelve a hacer con la DANA lo del 11-M y el Prestige». https://eldebate.com/espana/20241101/centinela-naranjo-psoe-vuelve-hacer-dana-11m-prestige_241090.html#utm_source=rrss-comp&utm_medium=tw&utm_campaign=fixed-btn… vía @eldebate_com eldebate.com El centinela de Naranjo: «El PSOE vuelve a hacer con la DANA lo del 11-M y el Prestige»
Be like Tonight, Friday finally Made in Lagos Deluxe will surpass 900M.Streams+ on Spotify. From 529K daily to 569K daily streams. We are going up on Spotify