Love Your Lawyer Day

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Love Your Lawyer Day Quick Facts

2025 DateNovember 7, 2025
2026 DateNovember 6, 2026

Love Your Lawyer Day

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Love Your Lawyer Day History

Love Your Lawyer Day is dedicated to celebrating the valuable contributions attorneys make to society. It's an occasion intended for expressing gratitude and fostering good relationships between clients and their legal practitioners. The day is filled with acts of appreciation, ranging from simple thank you notes to generous gifts, which are all meant to eradicate the stereotypes and negative sentiments that have become associated with the profession.

This event originally emerged from the American Lawyers Public Image Association (ALPIA) in 2001, founded by a lawyer named Nader Anise. Its principal purpose was to establish a day for lawyers and legal professionals to be recognized and appreciated in a profession often marred by criticism. Unlike most holidays of its kind, Love Your Lawyer Day hasn't been sanctioned by any official body or government but has steadily gained acceptance and adherence over the years.

The celebration is not just restricted to U.S. boundaries, but it has found profound recognition around the world. Whether you're a client or just an individual who appreciates the rule of law, it's a chance to display your appreciation to those legal professionals who strive to uphold justice every day. Love Your Lawyer Day is celebrated annually on the first Friday in November.

Love Your Lawyer Day facts

  • The legal profession goes as far back as Ancient Greece and Rome. The Roman Emperor Claudius, 41-54 AD, was the first to legalize representation and advocacy as a profession.
  • There are over 15 different types of lawyers. The most sought after are civil, criminal, business, and family lawyers.
  • Lawyers are encouraged to celebrate Love Your Lawyer Day by offering pro bono legal services to their communities.
  • According to the American Bar Association, as of 2022, there are 1,327,000 registered attorneys in the United States.

Top things to do for Love Your Lawyer Day

  • If you or someone you know is interested in law or planning to go to law school, read some resources and tips for success in Law School. Here is one suggestion: 20 Tips for Success.
  • Watch a movie that shows the importance of lawyers. Here are our suggestions:
    The Lincoln Lawyer (2011)
    My Cousin Vinny (1992)
    Witness for the Prosecution (1957)
  • If you're in need of a lawyer, search online for the best one that matches your needs. If you already have one, contact them and offer thanks and appreciation for the work they do.
  • Take the time to write a heartfelt thank-you note to your lawyer or any lawyers you know, expressing your gratitude for their expertise and assistance.

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