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National Repeal Day HistoryNational Repeal Day recognizes the end of Prohibition in the United States. This day memorializes the reestablishment of the legal production, distribution, and consumption of alcohol, which significantly impacted the nation's social, economic, and political landscapes. The origins of National Repeal Day are rooted in the ratification of the 21st Amendment on December 5, 1933, which essentially repealed the 18th Amendment of the Constitution. The 18th Amendment had outlawed the manufacturing, sale, or transportation of intoxicating liquors within the United States in 1919. This era, known as Prohibition, lasted for a tumultuous 13 years, and significantly influenced the American public’s relationship with the government, and with alcohol itself. National Repeal Day is more than a celebration of the ability to legally consume alcohol, it also represents acknowledgment of a critical shift in American legislation, the separation of state and federal laws, and the power of individual choice and responsibility. In addition, the repeal increased government revenues during the Great Depression through alcohol taxes and boosted the hospitality industry. National Repeal Day is celebrated annually on the 5th of December. National Repeal Day facts
In the News and Trending for National Repeal DayUpdated Old Forester Celebrates Repeal Day by releasing 117 Series: Warehouse I - 11-year-old bourbonprnewswire.com Whiskey Row celebrates Repeal Day with barrel roll down Main Street in downtown Louisvillewdrb.com Celebrating Repeal Day and the Power of Local Controlcenterforalcoholpolicy.org Mixology at Home – Prohibition Repeal Daykotatv.com Top things to do for National Repeal Day
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