National Day Of Mourning

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National Day Of Mourning

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National Day Of Mourning History

The National Day of Mourning is an occasion of remembrance and reflection. This event provides an alternative perspective to the traditional American Thanksgiving holiday narrative, shedding light on the historical and ongoing struggles of Native American communities.

The National Day of Mourning was first recognized in 1970, initiated by the United American Indians of New England. It coincided with the 350th anniversary of the Mayflower's landing, serving to counteract the celebratory nature surrounding the Pilgrims' settlement, which brought devastation to indigenous tribes. Over time, the event has evolved into a profound commemoration of Native American history and a public protest against the systemic difficulties their communities continue to face.

This commemorative day is chiefly marked in Plymouth, Massachusetts, involving a march through the town, speeches, and a communal meal. The National Day of Mourning is observed yearly on the same day as Thanksgiving, occurring on the fourth Thursday of November.

National Day Of Mourning facts

  • Every year, Native Americans and their supporters gather at noon on Cole’s Hill in Plymouth, Massachusetts. A march is held throughout the historic district.
  • The first Thanksgiving was held in 1637. Many Native Americans view the holiday as one of violence. It is believed that Governor Winthrop’s men participated in the massacre of over 700 Pequot women, children, and men. Thanksgiving is believed to have been held in celebration of their return.
  • On the first Day of Mourning in 1970, Native Americans buried Plymouth Rock as they believed it to be a symbol of racism and oppression.
  • The mourning process allows individuals to accept the reality of the loss and to say goodbye, which is crucial for maintaining one's mental health.

Top things to do for National Day Of Mourning

  • Watch a film depicting Native Americans and their struggle against colonists. Here are our suggestions:
    Dances With Wolves (1990)
    Windwalker (1980)
    Little Big Man (1970)
  • Take a few minutes of silent reflection to remember and honor the victims of the tragic event being remembered on that particular National Day of Mourning.

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