Mabo Day


Mabo Day Quick Facts

2025 Date3 June 2025
2026 Date3 June 2026

Mabo Day (Indigenous Australians)

Mabo Day (Indigenous Australians) in

Mabo Day History

Mabo Day is a day to recognize Indigenous Australians and their land rights. The day marks an iconic moment in Australian history: the High Court's landmark decision in the case Mabo v Queensland, which acknowledged the native title rights of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in Australia. Mabo Day is a time to honor and pay tribute to the efforts of the Meriam people and other Indigenous Australians in their struggle for justice, equality, and the recognition of traditional land ownership.

The origins of Mabo Day are rooted in the life of Eddie Koiki Mabo, a Meriam man from the Torres Strait Islands who played a crucial role in the land rights movement. In the early 1980s, Mabo initiated a legal challenge against the Queensland government for the recognition of his people’s rights over their ancestral lands. After a decade-long legal battle, the High Court of Australia ruled in favor of Mabo and the Meriam people on June 3, 1992. The ruling abolished the notion of terra nullius (land belonging to nobody), a colonial doctrine that had long denied the existence of Indigenous Australians’ rights to their ancestral lands.

To observe Mabo Day, communities across the nation participate in various activities and events, such as art exhibitions, discussions, music and dance performances, educational workshops, and traditional ceremonies. By honoring the extraordinary achievements of Eddie Mabo and reflecting on the ongoing movement for land rights and reconciliation, Mabo Day serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of acknowledging and safeguarding the inherent rights of Indigenous peoples in Australia. Mabo Day is celebrated annually on June 3rd.

Top facts about Mabo Day

  • Eddie Mabo was born in 1936 on Mer Island in the Torres Strait.
  • Originally, the legal principle of "terra nullius" was used to claim that the land belonged to no one when the British arrived and colonised Australia.
  • Following the recognition of Mabo's land in 1992, in 1993, the Australian government passed the Native Title Act, giving Australian Aboriginals legal rights and interests in certain land due to their own traditional laws and customs.
  • Today, native title has been recognised in more than 1 million square kilometres of land (about 15% of Australia's land mass).
  • A public holiday would be a celebration all Australians can share in with pride – a celebration of truth that unites Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians and a celebration of justice that overturned the legal myth of terra nullius – Mabo symbolises truth and justice and is a cornerstone of Reconciliation - Eddie Mabo Jr, Eddie Mabo's son

Top things to do for Mabo Day

  • Go on an aboriginal heritage walk or cultural tour in your nearby city centre. Many different Australian Aboriginal organisations run these types of activities in partnership with local peoples.
  • Watch the BtN Mabo Day Story to gain a better understanding of the meaning and importance of the day.
  • Host a community BBQ or breakfast featuring indigenous cuisine commonly referred to as Bush Tucker. Many of these foods used local animals and plants to create dishes.
  • Raise awareness for the day on social media using hashtags #maboday, #eddiemabo, #notterranullius and #aboriginalrights.
  • Watch a movie about Australian aboriginals to gain a better understanding of their culture and history and the profound impact it has on the Australian nation as a whole. Some of our favourites include: Ten Canoes (2006), The Tracker (2002) and the First Australians (2013).

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