Corpus Christi

Corpus Christi Quick Facts in Australia

AKA NameThe Feast of Corpus Christi, Feast of the Body of Christ, Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ
2025 Date19 June 2025
2026 Date4 June 2026

Corpus Christi

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Corpus Christi

Corpus Christi is a Christian feast that celebrates the real presence of Jesus Christ in the Holy Eucharist - His body, blood, soul and divinity. As one of the most important events in the Roman Catholic Church, the sacred festival honours the sacramental bread previously consecrated in the Mass, meticulously upheld in a special container known as a monstrance. Centered on reverence and gratitude, Corpus Christi is marked by grand processions, vibrant decorations, and holy songs and hymns, generating a sense of unity and devotion among faithful participants.

Tracing back to 1246, in the Belgian city of Liège, the Feast of Corpus Christi was founded under the guidance of visionary St. Juliana of Cornillon. The holiday eventually spread across Europe and was introduced to regions under European influence, including Australia. As a prominent Christian nation, Australia stands to benefit from the observance of Corpus Christi. Through enhancing their relationship with Jesus and fostering strong links within their faith communities, the festivity places great cultural and spiritual significance on the lives of Australian Christians.

In Australia, Corpus Christi celebrations consist of jubilant processions with elated worshipers accompanying the sacred Host as it is displayed throughout city streets, with the processions often led by the local bishop or priest. Believers also adorn their homes and neighborhoods with splendid banners, supplicate with prayers, and rejoice in music, gloriously recognizing the importance of the Holy Sacrament. Though not a public holiday in Australia, Corpus Christi is typically observed on the Thursday after Trinity Sunday or the following Sunday, depending on the particular diocese. The event stands as a testament to the fervent devotion of Catholics, and its solemn observance in Australia highlights the country's strong reverence to the Christian faith.

Corpus Christi facts

  • "Corpus Christi" is a Latin term that translates to "Body of Christ."
  • The liturgical color associated with Corpus Christi is white or gold, symbolizing purity, joy, and the glory of the Eucharist.
  • The Feast of Corpus Christi has its origins in the 13th century and was officially established by Pope Urban IV in 1264.
  • Corpus Christi celebrations have been held in Australia since the arrival of European settlers and missionaries.
  • A tradition associated with Corpus Christi in some Australian communities is the practice of creating vibrant and detailed 'carpets of flowers'. The carpets are made with materials such as flower petals and coloured sawdust. These carpets line streets and church aisles to symbolize the beautiful path that Christ laid out for his followers.

Top things to do in Australia for Corpus Christi

  • If you're Christian, go to Mass and receive Holy Communion on the Feast of Corpus Christi.
  • Travel to the Vatican City and watch the annual procession of the Blessed Sacrament, headed by the Pope, through the streets of Rome.
  • Celebrate Corpus Christi and read a book to learn more about the Eucharist. Here are our suggestions:
    1. The Cult and The Celebration of the Eucharist: A History and Theology by Anscar J. Chupungco
    2. The Holy Eucharist: The World's Salvation by John A. Hardon
  • Read a book to learn more about the history of Catholicism in Australia. Here are our suggestions:
    1. The Catholic Church in Australia: A Short History by Patrick O'Farrell
    2. Catholics in Australia: A Social History by Ronald Michael Boswell
    3. Australians and Catholic Eucharistic Discovery: From Patronage to Perseverance by Peter G. Williams

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