Liberation Day / Victory in Europe Day

Quick Facts in the EU

AKA NameV-E Day, VE Day, V Day, Den vítězství or Den osvobození
Hashtags#VictoryInEuropeDay, #VEDay
2025 Date8 May 2025
2026 Date8 May 2026

Victory Day

Victory Day in

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Liberation Day (CZE) / Victory in Europe Day (FRA) History

Victory in Europe Day marks the official end of the fighting in Europe during the Second World War. On 7 May 1945, German High Command signed an unconditional surrender to the allied forces in Berlin, Germany. The surrender would come into effect the following day at midnight. 8 May was thus the end of armed conflict during World War II in Europe.

Victory in Europe Day is celebrated annually on 8 May in memory of this surrender and return to peace. It is celebrated in many countries throughout Europe on 8 May while other nations have opted to celebrate it on other days. Celebrations in certain countries are named after Victories over Fascism or Occupation depending on the nation.

Top facts about Liberation Day

  • Victory in Europe Day only marks the end of the fighting between Germany and the allied forces in Europe. It would actually be several more years before Japan was defeated in the Pacific arena and World War II officially ended.
  • World War II started when Germany attacked Poland, annexing it shortly after. Britain and France then declared war on Germany, officially starting WWII.
  • The military surrender was not signed by Adolf Hitler (who had been the German President throughout the war) because he had committed suicide. Instead, Germany’s surrender was signed by his successor, Karl Donitz.
  • The real turning point of WW2 came when the United States joined into the war in December of 1941. Only when Japan attacked Pearl Harbour 2 after the start of the war did the United States become involved.
  • It is not only the living who are killed in war. – Isaac Asimov, American Professor at Boston University.

Liberation Day Top Events and Things to Do

  • Spread awareness of social media by using the hashtags #VEDay #VDay, #VictoryinEuropeDay, #VictoryDay and #KissForVEDay.
  • Go to your local legion or veteran network and speak to some of the remaining World War II veterans. Victory in Europe Day typically features many events hosted at legions in many countries that veterans of the war attend. This is a great opportunity to speak to soldiers who actually fought in the war and thank them for their service.
  • Watch a movie or TV series about the horrors of World War II. Some of our favourites are: Band of Brothers (2001), The Pacific (2010), Pearl Harbour (2004), Schindler’s List (1999) and Saving Private Ryan (1998).
  • Visit the largest extermination/concentration camp from WW2. The Auschwitz-Birkenau Museum, located in Poland, allows visitors to see the camp and learn more about the atrocities committed inside.
  • Visit your a War Museum and learn about World War II. Most museums will have displays of various weapons and tools used during the war, as well as tour guides who are very knowledgeable about the war. Some museums even have interactive displays that you can go into and touch.

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