Holocaust Memorial Day

Holocaust Memorial Day Quick Facts in Australia

AKA NameHolocaust Remembrance Day, International Holocaust Remembrance Day
HashtagsCompiled on#HolocaustMemorialDay
Related Hashtags#WEREMEMBER, #Holocaust, #HMD2025, #Auschwitz
2025 Date27 January 2025
2026 Date27 January 2026

International Day of Commemoration in Memory of the Victims of the Holocaust

International Day of Commemoration in Memory of the Victims of the Holocaust in

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International Day of Commemoration in Memory of the Victims of the Holocaust

The International Day of Commemoration in Memory of the Victims of the Holocaust aims to honour the lives of six million Jews, alongside countless other minorities, who were systematically killed during World War II. It provides an opportunity to reaffirm a universal commitment to human rights and to reject hatred, bigotry, and violence. The day is also a reminder of the lessons to be learnt from the Holocaust, so as to prevent similar tragedies from occurring in the future.

The United Nations General Assembly designated this observance in 2005, marking the 60th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz-Birkenau, the largest Nazi death camp. The Holocaust has a significant resonance in Australia, which became a refuge to an estimated 35,000 Holocaust survivors post-World War II. This is considered the largest per capita intake of Holocaust survivors outside of Israel. Today, the Holocaust forms an integral part of Australian public memory and has had a profound impact on Australian society, values, and identity.

The International Day of Commemoration in Memory of the Victims of the Holocaust is typically marked in Australia through education programmes, memorial services, and commemorative events. These activities foster greater awareness about the Holocaust, its causes, and its consequences. Institutions such as the Sydney Jewish Museum and Melbourne’s Jewish Holocaust Centre play pivotal roles in these endeavours. These observances, held annually on January 27th, aim to keep the memory of the Holocaust alive and ask all Australians to stand against antisemitism and xenophobia, upholding the dignity and rights of all people.

Facts about Victims of the Holocaust

  • The theme for Holocaust Memorial Day in 2024 was Fragility of Freedom. The theme in 2023 was Ordinary People
  • If we bear all this suffering and if there are still Jews left, when it is over, then Jews, instead of being doomed, will be held up as an example. ― Anne Frank, well-known Holocaust victim
  • Some Australian Holocaust survivors have played crucial roles in identifying and bringing to justice war criminals who participated in the Holocaust, such as the case of Konrad Kalejs, a former officer of the Latvian collaborationist Arajs Kommando who was accused of participating in the murder of Jews in Latvia.
  • It is estimated that around 35,000 Holocaust survivors migrated to Australia between 1945 and 1960, making Australia's survivor population one of the largest in the world.

Top things to do in Australia for this observance

  • Join social media campaigns that promote awareness of the Holocaust, try tweeting using the hashtag #holocaustmemorial or #remembranceday.
  • Read one of the thought provoking, gripping and saddening accounts of the Holocaust. Some choice picks include:
    1) The Diary of a Young Girl by Anne Frank
    2) Maus by Art Spiegelman
    3) Eichmann in Jerusalem by Hannah Arendt
  • Wine/Beer/Cider: Australia is known for its vineyards and breweries, so a glass of local wine, beer, or cider could be a nice addition to your celebration meal.
  • Read a book from Australian authors to learn more about Holocaust victims:
    The Mascot: Unravelling the Mystery of My Jewish Father's Nazi Boyhood - by Mark Kurzem - The author’s father, who was living in Australia, reveals his secret past as a Jewish boy who escaped extermination and was adopted by Nazi soldiers. Kurzem's gripping book unravels this extraordinary mystery.
    Without Compass: A Holocaust Journey - by Ronit Bunin Ben-David - The author writes about her father Jacob's experiences as a teenager in an extermination camp and his journey of survival and building a new life in Australia.

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