International Talk Like A Pirate Day

Quick Facts in Australia

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International Talk like a Pirate Day

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International Talk Like A Pirate Day History

International Talk like a Pirate Day is an annual observance that celebrates the unique language and culture associated with the golden age of piracy. The event emphasizes humour and camaraderie, encouraging participants to engage in pirate-themed conversation and activities. Although it started as a light-hearted idea, the observance has grown into a globally recognized event that promotes linguistic creativity and teamwork and has become an opportunity for fundraisers and awareness campaigns for various charities.

The concept of International Talk like a Pirate Day originated in 1995 between two friends, John Baur and Mark Summers, in the United States. They came up with the idea during a racquetball game, deciding that a day dedicated to talking like pirates would be fun. Since its inception, the cheerful event has spread across the globe, including Australia. In 2002, after receiving a letter from Baur and Summers, Pulitzer Prize-winning columnist Dave Barry popularised the event in one of his articles. This exposure led to a surge in interest and participation in Australia, where the event resonated with the country's long-standing love for quirky traditions and swashbuckling adventures.

International Talk like a Pirate Day is not just about fun and games, it's also about giving back. Some Australians also take this opportunity to support fundraisers for different causes, such as children's hospitals and other charity organizations, donning pirate attire and engaging in various fundraising events. Embraced with enthusiasm across Australia, participants engage in pirate-themed activities and adopt pirate slang in their day-to-day conversations on the day. This annual observance takes place on the 19th of September, providing Australians with an opportunity to unleash their inner pirate and contribute positively to the community.

International Talk Like A Pirate Day facts

  • International Talk Like a Pirate Day has its own official website that offers a free pirate-party kit and a world-wide map of International Talk Like A Pirate Day parties.
  • The “Golden Age” of piracy is popular internationally and there’s no better evidence of that than the popularity of Disney’s Pirates of the Caribbean franchise. Fronted by Johnny Depp as Jack Sparrow, the series has grossed $4.5 billion worldwide, notes Box Office Mojo statistics.
  • There is actually a whole vocabulary associated with pirate-speak. It includes terms like Jolly Roger (pirate flag), Davy Jones' Locker (bottom of the sea), and Landlubber (a person unfamiliar with the sea or sailing).
  • Australia was a British penal colony, and some of the convicts who were sent to the island were former pirates.
  • International Talk Like a Pirate Day was created by John Baur and Mark Summers in 1995. The day became an international celebration when they shared the idea with American humorist Dave Barry, who wrote about it in his syndicated column in 2002.

Top things to do in Australia for this observance

  • Australia also has various historical sites related to pirates and maritime history. Visit locations like the Shipwreck Coast in Victoria, the Queensland Maritime Museum in Brisbane, or the Batavia Coast in Western Australia to learn more about the country's maritime past.
  • Get a group of friends together and watch some classic pirate movies like the Pirates of the Caribbean series, Treasure Island, or Blackbeard.

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