Saint Andrew

Saint Andrew Quick Facts in Canada

AKA NameFeast of St.Andrew the Apostle
HashtagsCompiled on#StAndrewsDay
Related Hashtags#Scotland
2024 DateNovember 30, 2024
2025 DateNovember 30, 2025

Saint Andrew

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St Andrew History

The Observance of Saint Andrew, also known as St. Andrew's Day, is dedicated to celebrating the life and deeds of Saint Andrew, the patron saint of Scotland. Traditionally marked with various festivities, it has significantly grown in recent years as a Scottish national celebration and a day to strengthen national identity and unity. Saint Andrew is also the patron saint of several other countries, including Greece, Romania, and Russia. As such, the Observance of Saint Andrew holds cultural, historical, and religious significance for many communities worldwide, including Canada.

Saint Andrew, also regarded as one of the 12 Apostles of Jesus Christ, was a fisherman by trade and brother of Simon Peter. He is believed to have spent much of his life spreading the teachings of Christianity around the Black Sea and Greece. As Christianity continued to spread throughout Europe, the people of Scotland were believed to have embraced this faith even more profoundly following the appearance of an "X"-shaped cross in the sky during a battle in the early 9th century. This cross, known as the Saltire, later became the symbol that represented Saint Andrew and subsequently was incorporated into the national flag of Scotland. For Canadians with Scottish heritage, the observance of Saint Andrew's Day is an opportunity to pay tribute to their ancestral and cultural ties to Scotland.

Saint Andrew's Day is often celebrated in Canada through gatherings of Scottish-Canadian groups and societies. These groups typically host special events, such as dinners, musical performances, and dances, with Scottish food, music, and culture taking center stage. Tartan-clad bagpipers, fiddlers, and dancers showcase Scotland's rich cultural heritage while attendees get to taste traditional dishes, such as haggis and shortbread. The date of Saint Andrew's special observance falls on November 30, making it the first of several winter festivals that take place in Canada throughout the season. These celebrations are a way for Canadians to connect with their Scottish heritage and honor the patron saint of Scotland.

Saint Andrew facts

  • Andrew was reportedly martyred on November 30 in the year 60 A.D by a Roman governor's order in Achaia (Greece). He was crucified and bound to the cross to increase his suffering. The cross was tilted to create an "x," which is known today as St. Andrew's cross and is the basis for the Scottish flag.
  • The Feast of St. Andrew is the last holiday of the Christian year. It is held the day before Advent begins, November 30 in Roman Catholic and some Protestant churches. St. Andrew's Day is a holiday in Scotland that honors the disciple as the country's patron saint.
  • St. Andrew's Societies have been established across Canada since the 18th century, with the aim of promoting Scottish heritage and providing support to Scottish immigrants. The first St. Andrew's Society in Canada was founded in 1757 in Montreal. These societies often work alongside other cultural societies in Canada, such as the St. Patrick's (Irish) and St. George's (English) Societies, as part of a broader recognition of the country's multiculturalism.
  • St. Andrew's crosses, also known as the Saltire, can be found in many Canadian churches or religious buildings, symbolizing Saint Andrew and the Christian faith.

Top things to do in Canada for St Andrew's Day

  • Travel to Scotland to celebrate St. Andrew's Day. The holiday commences many parties and festivals in Scotland and it is also an official holiday in the country.
  • Visit St Andrew's Cathedral in Patras, Greece. It is the largest church in the Balkans region and one of the largest in Europe. According to history, St. Andrew was crucified just outside of the church.
  • Use St. Andrew's Day as an opportunity to support Scottish charities or causes that resonate with you. Consider making a donation to organizations that work towards preserving Scottish culture, heritage, or supporting Scottish communities in need.
  • Gather your friends and family for a traditional Scottish ceilidh (pronounced kay-lee). This lively party involves Scottish folk music, dancing, and storytelling. Hire a ceilidh band or play Scottish music, learn some simple Scottish dances, and enjoy the evening with traditional Scottish treats.

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