Saint Thomas

Saint Thomas Quick Facts in India

AKA NameSt Thomas The Apostle
2025 Date3 July 2025
2026 Date3 July 2026

Saint Thomas Day

Saint Thomas Day in

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St Thomas History

Saint Thomas Day, also known as Feast of Saint Thomas, is one of the important Christian festivals celebrated in India. The day is observed to commemorate the martyrdom of Saint Thomas, one of the twelve apostles of Jesus Christ. Saint Thomas is believed to have come to India in 52 AD, where he preached and established churches in Kerala and Tamil Nadu. According to legend, Saint Thomas was martyred by being speared to death in the eastern state of Tamil Nadu, where he had built a church in Mylapore. The church, now known as the Santhome Basilica Cathedral, is a revered pilgrimage site for Christians in India.

The day is celebrated with great zeal and religious fervor, particularly by the Syro-Malabar Catholic Church and the Malankara Orthodox Syrian Church. Activities such as prayer meetings, processions, and special church services are organized on this day. It is a day of remembrance and devotion, and it is also an opportunity for Christians in India to reflect on the life and teachings of Saint Thomas.

Saint Thomas Day is a reminder of the rich Christian heritage of India and the contributions of Saint Thomas towards its growth and development. The occasion also provides a platform for interfaith dialogue and encourages people of different faiths to come together and celebrate the diversity and unity of India. Saint Thomas Day is observed annually on July 3rd.

Saint Thomas facts

  • Thomas didn't believe the apostles when they saw Jesus the first time after the resurrection. He saw Jesus himself during his second appearance, and touched the wounds on his hands and side (John 20:24-29).
  • Church tradition says that Thomas traveled to eastern lands, including Persia, to evangelize to the people there about Jesus. He is thought to have settled in India.
  • The Mar Thoma Cross is an ancient cross used by the Saint Thomas Christians in India. It symbolizes Saint Thomas's connection to India and the Christian community he established.
  • This is a small hill near Chennai, previously known as Madras, believed to be the location where St. Thomas went into hiding before being killed. A shrine dedicated to him sits atop the hill.

Top things to do in India for Saint Thomas Day

  • Read writings by St. Thomas. Several early church documents bearing Thomas' name are popular, including the Gospel of Thomas, which is a collection of Jesus' sayings. Other texts include the Acts of Thomas and the Infancy Gospel of Thomas. None of these texts were included in the Bible.
  • Thousands of Indians claim to be descendants of the Christians that Thomas helped to convert. Join them on a pilgrimage in Paylador to the traditional spot of Thomas' tomb, Our Lady of Lourdes Cathedral of the Syro-Malabar Archdiocese of Trichur (Kerala, India).
  • Watch St. Thomas (India) (2008), a documentary that explores the life and legacy of Saint Thomas in India.
  • Visit St. Thomas Mount. This is a historical shrine located in Chennai, Tamil Nadu, believed to be the place where Saint Thomas was martyred. On Saint Thomas Day, the shrine attracts many Christian devotees.

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