World Day against Trafficking in Persons

Quick Facts in India

Related Hashtags#EndHumanTrafficking, #HumanTrafficking, #LeaveNoChildBehind
2025 Date30 July 2025
2026 Date30 July 2026

World Day against Trafficking in Persons

World Day against Trafficking in Persons in

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World Day against Trafficking in Persons

The World Day against Trafficking in Persons is observed globally to raise awareness about the prevalence and dangers of human trafficking. The day's purpose is to also promote actions to prevent and combat trafficking in persons, as well as to protect, support and provide justice to the victims of this criminal activity. In India, the government has been taking initiatives to fight trafficking through various campaigns and awareness programs. India is one of the countries significantly affected by trafficking in persons, with millions of men, women, and children being vulnerable to exploitation.

The history of World Day against Trafficking in Persons in India dates back to 2013 when the United Nations General Assembly designated July 30 as the World Day against Trafficking in Persons. India follows this tradition by celebrating the day and drawing attention and awareness to this issue through various initiatives, campaigns, and events.

The day reminds us of the urgent need to end trafficking and to protect and support the victims. It emphasizes that trafficking in persons is a crime that affects the most vulnerable populations globally, and that it raises human rights and social justice concerns. The World Day against Trafficking in Persons provides an opportunity for people worldwide to come together and combat this modern-day slavery. The World Day against Trafficking in Persons is observed annually on July 30th.

Facts about Human Trafficking

  • The theme for World Day against Trafficking in Persons 2023 was Reach every victim of trafficking, leave no one behind.
  • The average cost of a slave globally is $90.
  • According to a new report from the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), the vast majority of all human trafficking victims – some 71% – are women and girls and one third are children.
  • The majority of trafficking in India is internal, and it usually occurs within state borders. People from poorer regions with limited economic opportunities are trafficked to more prosperous urban areas for exploitation. It is estimated that over 90% of trafficking in India is internal.

Top things to do in India for this observance

  • Spread awareness about the day by using the hashtags #WorldDayAgainstTraffickinginPersons and #IGiveHope.
  • Donate to charities: Not For Sale, Unisex or Polaris Project. All donations go toward protecting people and communities around the world from modern-day slavery and human trafficking. They have directly supported thousands of people around the world back to lives of freedom and meaning.
  • Watch The Invisible War: India's Child Sex Slaves (2021). This documentary investigates the dark world of human and child trafficking for sex trade in India.
  • Read a book to learn more about Human Trafficking in India. Here are our suggestions:
    1. Human Trafficking in India by Sankar Sen and P.M. Nair
    2. Half the Sky: Turning Oppression Into Opportunity for Women Worldwide by Nicholas D. Kristof and Sheryl WuDunn
    3. The Natashas: Inside the New Global Sex Trade by Victor Malarek

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