Saint Bartholomew

Saint Bartholomew Quick Facts in NZ

AKA NameFeast of St. Bartholomew
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2025 Date24 August 2025
2026 Date24 August 2026

Saint Bartholomew

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St Bartholomew History

The Observance of Saint Bartholomew is a celebration in honour of one of the twelve apostles of Jesus Christ, Bartholomew the Apostle. Also known as Nathanael, he is recognized for his unwavering faith and dedication to spreading the teachings of Christ. This occasion aims to remind Christians of the importance of steadfast faith, and the selfless service of the apostles who played a vital role in the foundation of the Christian Church.

Saint Bartholomew, along with the other apostles, serves as an essential figure in understanding Christianity's roots. Although there is limited historical documentation about his life and ministry, it is believed that he travelled to various regions, including India and Armenia, to preach the Gospel. Saint Bartholomew's teachings could be compared to the early missionary work of individuals like British missionary Samuel Marsden, who worked tirelessly to spread Christianity throughout the country. New Zealand although a country with diverse cultural and religious backgrounds, still has strong Christian community, and the Saint Bartholomew's message of faith and dedication resonates with Christians in New Zealand. It reminds them of the legacy passed down through generations.

In New Zealand, the Observance of Saint Bartholomew is commemorated primarily by the Anglican Church and Catholic Church on August 24th, in line with the liturgical calendar. While there may not be grandiose public celebrations that take place, various churches may hold special services or include prayers, hymns, and reflections centred around Saint Bartholomew. Christians in New Zealand take this time to acknowledge the life and work of this apostle and to seek inspiration from his unwavering faith and commitment to Christ's teachings.

Saint Bartholomew facts

  • Bartholomew is simply just listed by name in the gospels of Matthew, Mark, and Luke as well as in Acts (Mt.10:2, Mark 3:14, Luke 6:12, Acts 1:13, 26). He is not mentioned in the Gospel of John, but some theologians believe that he is referred to by the name Nathaniel. Most of the information the church has about Bartholomew/Nathaniel is based on early sermons and writings.
  • Bartholomew is thought to have been martyred in Armenia. His skin was flayed from his body while he was still alive.
  • Saint Bartholomew is known as the patron saint of tanners, plasterers, and tailors.
  • In art and various Christian traditions, Saint Bartholomew is often portrayed holding a knife and his flayed skin, symbolizing his gruesome martyrdom.

Top things to do in NZ for St Bartholomew

  • Travel to Rome and visit St Bartholomew's relics. They are thought to be entombed in the basilica, St Bartholomew on the Island (in Rome, Italy).
  • St. Bartholomew's feast day is an opportunity for personal reflection and prayer. You can spend time in quiet contemplation, reading scripture related to the apostle, or meditating on his teachings.
  • If you have an interest in religious art, you can visit museums or galleries in New Zealand that showcase artwork depicting St. Bartholomew.

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