Saint Thomas

Saint Thomas Quick Facts in NZ

AKA NameSt Thomas The Apostle
2025 Date3 July 2025
2026 Date3 July 2026

Saint Thomas Day

Saint Thomas Day in

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St Thomas History

Saint Thomas Day, also known as St. Thomas the Apostle's Feast Day, is a Christian celebration honoring Saint Thomas. Saint Thomas was one of the twelve apostles of Jesus Christ, who played a significant role in establishing Christianity in India.St. Thomas is believed to have arrived in Kerala, India, in 52 AD to spread the message of Christianity. Despite initial opposition and persecution, St. Thomas succeeded in establishing a strong Christian community in India. He was eventually martyred in Chennai in 72 AD.

In New Zealand, St. Thomas Day is primarily celebrated by the Syro-Malabar Catholic Church, which has a significant presence in the country. The Syro-Malabar Catholic Church is a branch of the Catholic Church that follows the East Syriac Rite and has its origins in the Church founded by St. Thomas in India. The celebration involves special prayers and masses, and it is an occasion for the community to come together and strengthen their faith.

During the St. Thomas Day celebrations, the Syro-Malabar Catholic Church emphasizes the importance of spreading Christ's message through evangelization, just like St. Thomas did in India. The day promotes the Christian values of love, peace, and unity and is a time for the community to reflect on their faith journey and the challenges they have faced. Saint Thomas Day is observed annually on July 3rd.

Saint Thomas facts & quotes

  • Thomas didn't believe the apostles when they saw Jesus the first time after the resurrection. He saw Jesus himself during his second appearance, and touched the wounds on his hands and side (John 20:24-29).
  • Church tradition says that Thomas traveled to eastern lands, including Persia, to evangelize to the people there about Jesus. He is thought to have settled in India.
  • The Anglican Church in New Zealand celebrates Saint Thomas Day as a special service known as the Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols.
  • The Maori people traditionally celebrate Saint Thomas Day with food, music, and dance. This celebration is known as Matariki ki te Whare Tapere.

Top things to do in NZ for Saint Thomas Day

  • Read writings by St. Thomas. Several early church documents bearing Thomas' name are popular, including the Gospel of Thomas, which is a collection of Jesus' sayings. Other texts include the Acts of Thomas and the Infancy Gospel of Thomas. None of these texts were included in the Bible.
  • Thousands of Indians claim to be descendants of the Christians that Thomas helped to convert. Join them on a pilgrimage in Paylador to the traditional spot of Thomas' tomb, Our Lady of Lourdes Cathedral of the Syro-Malabar Archdiocese of Trichur (Kerala, India).
  • Visit the Waitangi Treaty Grounds. This historic site is home to the signing of the Treaty of Waitangi, which marked the beginning of New Zealand as a nation. The grounds are also home to a museum, cultural performances, and traditional Maori experiences.
  • Explore the Bay of Islands, a beautiful region that is home to over 140 subtropical islands and secluded beaches. Take a boat tour to explore the area, go hiking, or try out some water sports like snorkeling or kayaking.

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