Day of the Seafarer

Day of the Seafarer Quick Facts in the US

Hashtags#SeafarersAreKeyWorkers, #DayoftheSeafarer
2025 DateJune 25, 2025
2026 DateJune 25, 2026

Day of the Seafarer

Day of the Seafarer in

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Day of the Seafarer History

Day of the Seafarer aims to recognize the invaluable contribution of seafarers to the world economy, trade, and well-being of people. Approximately 90% of goods are transported worldwide by sea, thanks to an estimated 1.7 million seafarers from diverse international backgrounds working tirelessly in the maritime industry. These highly skilled professionals ensure the smooth operation of essential shipping services, maintain the highest standards of safety and security, and safeguard our oceans' health by observing strict environmental protocols.

The International Maritime Organization (IMO) established the Day of the Seafarer in 2010 within a resolution adopted in Manila, Philippines. The observance commemorates the importance of maritime workers, many of whom are Americans and have played a significant role in the U.S. economy and trade since the country's founding. In addition to facilitating global trade, seafarers in America have been crucial to the development of the nation's naval forces and maritime domain awareness.

In the United States, the Day of the Seafarer is observed through various activities, raising awareness about seafarers' vital work and expressing gratitude for their service. Organizations like the U.S. Coast Guard and the Maritime Administration conduct ceremonies and events, and ports throughout the country celebrate the occasion. Local maritime communities, such as merchant mariners and maritime academies, participate by hosting celebrations, panel discussions, and workshops to highlight the importance and impact of seafarers on American society. Day of the Seafarer is celebrated on June 25th worldwide, as it highlights the essential role seafarers play in maintaining international relations and contributing to the global economy.

Day of the Seafarer facts

  • The theme for Day of the Seafarer in 2024 was Navigating the future: safety first!.
    In 2023 the theme was MARPOL at 50 – Our commitment goes on.
  • Worldwide, only about 2% to 10% of maritime containers are inspected.
  • In 2020, the day took on special significance because of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. Many seafarers were stranded at sea due to travel restrictions, which prevented crew changes, and led to significant international attention to their plight.
  • Hundreds of thousands of seafarers are still working at sea beyond their contracted time and equal numbers are facing financial difficulties, desperate to relieve crew on ships and start earning wages again International Maritime Organization, 2021

Top things to do in the US for Day of the Seafarer

  • Learn more about the issues seafarers are facing.
  • Browse the International Maritime Organization's publications and learn more about the maritime industry and seafarers.
  • Watch the 2020 Day of the Seafarer video if you missed it. Seafarers have been on the frontlines of the Covid-19 pandemic. They have played an essential role in maintaining the flow of vital goods such as food, medicine, and medical supplies.

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