Trinity Sunday

Trinity Sunday Quick Facts in the US

AKA NameThe Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity (Roman Catholic Church), Trinity Day
Hashtags#TrinitySunday, #Sunday
2025 DateJune 15, 2025
2026 DateMay 31, 2026

Trinity Sunday

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Trinity Sunday History

Trinity Sunday is a Christian observance dedicated to the celebration and contemplation of the Holy Trinity, the divine nature of God as three distinct yet unified persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. This theological concept is considered essential to understanding the nature of God within Christianity, and the day serves as a focused acknowledgement of this central belief. Though not directly mentioned in the Bible, the Trinity became an official doctrine during the council meetings of the Church in the fourth century.

The observance of Trinity Sunday dates back to the 10th century in some regions, but it was officially instituted by Pope John XXII in 1334. Over time, the celebration of the Holy Trinity spread to various countries and denominations, including Roman Catholic, Anglican, and Lutheran churches. Within the United States, Trinity Sunday is observed by numerous Christian denominations with particular significance in the liturgical calendar, as it marks the beginning of the extended time known as Ordinary Time, which lasts until the start of Advent in late November or early December.

In America, the customs and activities associated with the observance of Trinity Sunday vary by individual and by church denomination. Generally, church services on this day incorporate readings and hymns that center around the Holy Trinity, providing Christians the opportunity to contemplate its significance. Additional activities can include Bible study, prayer, and educational talks about the concept of the Trinity. Trinity Sunday takes place on the first Sunday following Pentecost, a Christian observance occurring 50 days after the resurrection of Jesus during Easter. The exact date of Trinity Sunday varies each year, dependent upon the date of Easter, which in turn is based on the lunar calendar.

Trinity Sunday facts

  • The Trinity is often represented by symbols such as the triquetra (a three-looped knot), a triangle, or three interlocking circles. These symbols visually convey the concept of the three-in-one nature of God.
  • Trinity Sunday has its roots in the early Christian Church, but it was officially established as a feast day in the Western Church by Pope John XXII in the 14th century. It was introduced to honor and emphasize the doctrine of the Holy Trinity.
  • The liturgical color for Trinity Sunday is white or gold, symbolizing purity, joy, and the glory of God.
  • The Trinity does not explicitly appear in the Bible. The interpretation and belief in the three-in-one God came out of several councils in the early church that wrestled with the question of the divinity of God the Creator, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit.
  • The Orthodox Church celebrates the Trinity in its Feast of the Pentecost. Pentecost Sunday is sometimes even called Trinity Day.

Top things to do in the US for Trinity Sunday

  • The Trinity is often described as a holy mystery beyond complete human understanding. To mark Trinity Sunday, consider other things that are beyond human understanding, like the universe, or the concept of time never ending.
  • Listen to a sermon on Trinity Sunday to see what examples the pastor uses to illustrate the concept of God in three persons.
  • Johann Sebastian Bach wrote music to celebrate the Trinity. Listen to one of his Trinity Sunday cantatas on YouTube.
  • Experience the Trinity in art at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City. One painting that depicts this is The Trinity by Italian painter Angulo Gaddi.

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