World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought

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Related Hashtags#Drought, #Desertification, #LandHeroes
2025 DateJune 17, 2025
2026 DateJune 17, 2026

World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought

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World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought

World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought aims at raising awareness about the causes and consequences of desertification and drought, and promoting effective strategies to prevent, mitigate and reverse these damaging processes. The core message of this observance is that healthy land is vital to achieving global sustainable development, preserving biodiversity, and ensuring food and water security for present and future generations. Through awareness-raising, advocacy, and multi-stakeholder partnerships, this day emphasizes the importance of sustainable land management and the need for collective international efforts in combating land degradation and desertification.

The United Nations General Assembly first established World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought in 1995 as a response to the increasing global threat of desertification and its severe impacts on people, ecosystems, and economies. Despite the observance's global focus, the day has special significance for people in America, as the United States has experienced significant episodes of desertification and drought throughout its history. Regions such as the Southwest, the Great Plains, and California are particularly vulnerable to these environmental challenges due to changing climatic conditions, land overuse, and unsustainable water consumption. Consequently, the observance provides opportunities for Americans to learn about the importance of addressing these issues, both domestically and as part of wider international efforts.

In America, World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought is observed in various ways, including educational events, public awareness campaigns, and expert forums. These initiatives aim to showcase innovative solutions to desertification and drought challenges, and foster dialogue among stakeholders, policymakers, researchers, and the public on how to promote sustainable land management practices. By participating in these activities, Americans can become actively engaged in addressing the root causes of these environmental threats and support global efforts to create a more sustainable and resilient future for all. World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought takes place each year on June 17, providing Americans, along with the broader global community, an annual opportunity to focus on these pressing environmental issues.

Facts about World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought

  • It is estimated that land degradation and desertification contribute to about 10-20% of global greenhouse gas emissions.
  • It is estimated that the global annual cost of land degradation due to desertification is around $42 billion, including the loss of agricultural productivity and ecosystem services.
  • Approximately 3.2 billion people, or about 40% of the global population, are affected by land degradation and desertification.
  • More than two billion hectares of previously productive land has been degraded.

Top things to do in the US for this observance

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