Ethiopian New Year

Ethiopian New Year Quick Facts in the US

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Ethiopian New Year

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Ethiopian New Year History

Ethiopian New Year, or Enkutatash marks the end of the rainy season and the start of a new year. The name Enkutatash means gift of jewels in Amharic, the official language of Ethiopia. It is a time for family gatherings, feasting, and gift-giving.

According to Ethiopian Orthodox tradition, the holiday commemorates the return of the Queen of Sheba, who ruled over ancient Ethiopia, from a visit to King Solomon in Jerusalem. The holiday is associated with the finding of the True Cross by the Roman Empress Helena in the 4th century. Ethiopians celebrate Enkutatash with colorful processions, traditional dances, and the burning of daisies to ward off evil spirits.

Festivities include traditional music and dance performances, as well as cultural displays and food markets. Many Ethiopian restaurants offer special menus for the occasion, featuring traditional dishes such as injera, a sourdough flatbread, and doro wat, a spicy chicken stew. Ethiopian New Year is celebrated on September 11th, coinciding with the end of the summer season and the start of fall.

Ethiopian New Year facts

  • Ethiopian New Year occurs on Meskerem 1st on the Ethiopian calendar which is September 11th (or September 12th during leap year) on the Gregorian (Western) calendar. In Ethiopia they go by the Orthodox Julian calendar which is made up of 12 months of 30 days along with a 13th month (Pagume) that consists of 5 or 6 days depending on if it’s leap year. When compared to the Gregorian calendar, this Ethiopian calendar is exactly 7 years and 8 months behind it.
  • Ethiopian New Year is known as Enkutatash in the Amharic language. It means gift of jewels. This name comes from the story of the Queen of Sheba who, according to the Bible and other ancient texts, was the ancient queen of Ethiopia. It’s said she traveled to Jerusalem to meet King Solomon and bring him treasure. Upon her return, the chiefs of Ethiopia welcomed her with jewels.
  • The Ethiopian calendar consists of thirteen months. The twelve months each have thirty days, and there is an additional intercalary month known as Pagumē, which has five days and six days in a leap year.
  • According to the Washington Post, the Ethiopian calendar is a unique form of the Coptic or Alexandrian calendar. It derived from the earlier Egyptian calendar which influenced the Julian calendar.

Top things to do in the US for Ethiopian New Year's Day

  • Participate in celebrations held around the country or visit Ethiopia. A notable place is the Ragual Church on Entoto mountain. Ethiopian New Year celebrations are both religious and secular. The day typically starts with church services and isfollowed by a family meal.
  • Enjoy traditional Ethiopian dishes. Some examples include Injera (flat bread) and Wat (stew), Kitfo (minced meat), and Beyainatu (vegetable, potato, and curry mix).
  • Enjoy coffee with family and friends. Coffee is an important part of Ethiopian New Year. The ritual of coffee serving and drinking serves as an important social occasion whereby relatives and friends can gather and discuss community matters.
  • It's rooted in Ethiopian culture to give back to the community during the New Year, so volunteering or donating to charity is another way to participate in Enkutatash.

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