AKA Name | The Feast of Corpus Christi, Feast of the Body of Christ, Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ |
Hashtags | #CorpusChristi |
2025 Date | June 19, 2025 |
2026 Date | June 4, 2026 |
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Top X Posts (formerly Tweets) for Corpus Christi -Updated
Corpus ChristiCorpus Christi is a Christian observance celebrated to honour the Holy Eucharist, which represents the body of Christ in the form of bread and wine. This time-honoured tradition unites Catholics worldwide, as they participate in processions, prayers, and masses. A significant aspect of this observance is the Eucharistic procession, where the blessed sacrament is carried through the streets, accompanied by hymns and prayers. Originating in the 13th century in Belgium, Corpus Christi is today observed by significant Catholic communities in Canada, reflecting its rich cultural and religious background. The celebration, in fact, acknowledges the country's deep Catholic roots, which date back to its early French settlers. Furthermore, the Eucharist's veneration symbolizes the importance of unity among Canadian Catholics, reinforcing the values that have shaped contemporary society. Corpus Christi celebrations in Canada often entail special masses followed by processions, where worshippers walk solemnly with the Eucharist displayed in ornate monstrances. Participants frequently decorate the streets with colourful flowers and banners, contributing to the festive atmosphere. In addition, Canadian parishes may also hold novena prayers and adoration of the Blessed Sacrament in the days leading up to the feast. Corpus Christi typically occurs on the Thursday after Trinity Sunday, which is 60 days after Easter Sunday; though in some parts of Canada, the solemnity may be transferred to the following Sunday to accommodate weekend churchgoers. Corpus Christi facts
In the News and Trending in Canada for Corpus ChristiUpdated Feast of Corpus Christiecclesiamilitans.com Feast of Corpus Christi Highlights the Gift, Truth of the Eucharistnashvillecatholic.org Feast of Corpus Christi — St. John the Evangeliststjohnsp.org Celebrating Faith and Tradition: The Feast of Corpus Christi 2024polanddaily24.com Top things to do in Canada for Corpus Christi
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