Saint Jean Baptiste


Saint Jean Baptiste Quick Facts

AKA NameLa Saint Jean
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2025 DateJune 24, 2025
2026 DateJune 24, 2026

Saint Jean Baptiste

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Saint Jean Baptiste History

Saint Jean Baptiste Day, also known as La Fête nationale du Québec, comemorates the patron saint of French Canadians. To the people of Quebec, Canada, he represents their cultural, religious, and historical roots. This day has become an important day for Quebecers to express their cultural pride, enjoy festivities, and embrace their French Canadian heritage. This annual observance can be traced back to June 24, 1834, when patriot Ludger Duvernay, inspired by the Irish celebration of Saint Patrick's Day, sought to create a similar event for French Canadians. The choice of Saint Jean Baptiste as the patron saint was a deliberate one, as Saint Jean Baptiste - also known as John the Baptist - is an important figure in both religious and cultural traditions. As a biblical prophet who baptized Jesus Christ, he serves as a symbol of purification and renewal. Saint Jean Baptiste played a key role in promoting French Canadian identity, even prompting Pope Pius X to officially designate him as the patron saint of French Canadians in 1908.

In Canada, especially in Quebec, the Saint Jean Baptiste Day celebrations are held annually on June 24, offering an opportunity for both solemn and festive observances. Taking part in religious ceremonies, participating in vibrant parades, and enjoying traditional French Canadian delicacies are just a few ways Canadians observe this special day. As a symbol of national pride, these festivities have become an occasion to celebrate Quebec's distinct culture, rich history, and unified spirit.

Top facts & quotes about Saint Jean Baptiste

  • The official colours for this celebration are the colours of Quebec's flag: blue and white.
  • St. John the Baptist is the Patron Saint of French Canadians.
  • The emblem flower of Saint Jean Baptiste is the blue flag iris, which can be found throughout Quebec. The emblem also features a fleur-de-lis, which is symbolic of the French-speaking population.
  • St. John has two feast days in the Roman Catholic Church. The first is held on 24 June and it acknowledges his birth. The second is 29 August. It commemorates his death. In the Orthodo Church, the Nativity of the Venerable and Glorious Prophet and Forerunner John the Baptist is held on 24 June.
  • I am trying to put Quebec in its place - and the place of Quebec is in Canada. - Pierre Trudeau, Former Canadian Prime Minister, 1968

Top things to do for Saint Jean Baptiste

  • In Mark 1:7, John is described as wearing camel's hair and eating only locusts and honey. Enjoy something with honey to honour John the Baptist.
  • Wear blue and white, the colours of the Quebec flag.
  • Attend two of the largest Quebec parades in Quebec City and Montreal.
  • Enjoy traditional Quebec foods such as poutine (fries with cheese curds and gravy), tortiere (a meat pie), and maple syrup!
  • Take the opportunity to practice your French in Quebec. It's the official language in the province of Quebec. Since most residents are fluently bilingual, it's a great opportunity to practice.

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