Eid al Adha

Eid al Adha Quick Facts in Germany

AKA NameFeast of Sacrifice, Bakreed (Urdu), Day of Sacrifice, Eid al Adha Beginnt
HashtagsCompiled on#EidMubarak, #EidAlAdha
Related Hashtags#Eid_Al_Adha
2025 Date6 June 2025
2026 Date27 May 2026

Eid al Adha (Begins)

Eid al Adha (Begins) in

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Date shown for 2025 is estimated as the official date has not been finalized as of March 2025.

Eid al-Adha History

Eid al Adha is an Islamic holiday that is celebrated in Germany by the Muslim community. This holiday commemorates the willingness of Prophet Ibrahim to sacrifice his son Ismail as an act of submission to Allah. Eid al Adha is observed on the 10th day of the Islamic month of Dhul Hijjah and it is a time for prayer, reflection, and acts of charity.

Muslims in Germany gather at mosques to perform the Eid al Adha prayer, after which they slaughter an animal to distribute meat to family, friends, and the needy. The holiday is also marked by the exchange of gifts and the greeting of "Eid Mubarak" which means "blessed Eid". The celebration of Eid al Adha in Germany has roots in the migration of Muslims to the country. The first mosque in Germany was built in Berlin in 1915, but it wasn't until the 1960s and 70s that a significant number of Muslims arrived from Turkey and other countries, bringing their traditions and customs with them.

Today, Eid al Adha is recognized as a public holiday in some German states, including Berlin, and it is celebrated by millions of Muslims across the country. Despite facing some challenges, such as discrimination and prejudice, the Muslim community in Germany continues to preserve its cultural and religious traditions and make valuable contributions to the country's multicultural society. Eid al-Adha is observed on June 28th this year.

Facts about Eid al-Adha

  • Unlike regular prayers, prayers for Eid al-Adha takes place in any large, open field. There Muslims from many mosques congregate together. Usually, mosques collaborate together to find a field that is convenient for everyone to go to. In the United States, Eid prayers often occur in parks.
  • Festivities begin with a prayer service, followed by a brief sermon on the morning of the first day. During the prayer, Muslims recite verses from the Quran, lead by an Imam, prostrate to God, and send their peace to Muhammad and Abraham.
  • Germany has the second-largest Muslim population in Europe (after France) with an estimated 5 million Muslims, primarily from Turkey, the Balkan region, and the Middle East, who are settled in Germany.
  • There are more than 2,000 mosques in Germany, with some of the most famous mosques being the Mosque of Penzberg, Centrum (Cologne, Germany), Sehitlik Mosque (Berlin), and Merkez Mosque in Duisburg.

Top things to do in Germany for Eid al-Adha

  • Often, a large party is thrown by Muslims on one of the three days of Eid al-Adha. Meat from slaughtered animals is served.
  • It is Islamic tradition to wear your most beautiful clothes on the first day of Eid al-Adha. A few days before Eid al-Adha, Muslims shop for their new Eid clothes. Merchants in Islamic countries often hold their biggest sales before Eid al-Adha.
  • Many Muslim communities in Germany organize celebrations, which may include food, music, and entertainment. Look for local listings of events in cities with higher Muslim populations, such as Berlin, Frankfurt, Munich, Hamburg, and Cologne.
  • In major cities like Berlin, you can visit Turkish or Arab neighborhoods like Kreuzberg or Neukölln to explore local businesses and enjoy traditional foods and celebrations.

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