420 Day

420 Day Quick Facts in the UK

AKA Name420, National Weed Day, National Marijuana Day
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2025 Date20 April 2025
2026 Date20 April 2026

420 Day

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420 Day History

420 Day, also known as Weed Day, is associated with the celebration and consumption of cannabis. Advocates including recreational users and medical marijuana proponents use the day to draw attention to the widespread use of cannabis and call for its decriminalisation and regulation. Focusing on political lobbying, scientific education, and social stigma reduction, it is observed annually across many nations, aiming to change legal and societal attitudes toward this plant.

Although the origins of the 420 term are somewhat contentious, it is widely accepted that it originated amongst a group of high school friends in California in the 1970s. Over time, the term '420' evolved into a universally recognised codeword amongst cannabis enthusiasts and the date 20th April became an unofficial holiday. In the United Kingdom, 420 Day holds significance as it reflects the increasing push towards a more nuanced understanding and potential legal reform of cannabis laws. Although cannabis remains illegal in the UK, it has emerged as a contentious issue in recent years, with increasing support for its medicinal use.

420 Day is observed subtly in the United Kingdom, largely due to the drug's illegal status. Celebrations are typically low-key, but may include small gatherings or quiet celebrations in individuals' homes. Advocacy events do occur, with peaceful demonstrations and public displays of solidarity taking place in major cities like London. It is important to note that while the advocacy and conversation continue, the use of cannabis remains illegal under current UK law, and 420 Day is not officially recognised. The 'day' is marked on 20th April, aligning with the international observance and the numerical component of the name, 420.

Facts about 420 Day

  • The oldest marijuana stash ever found is believed to be 2,700 years old. Two pounds of the dried plant were uncovered in an ancient tomb in the Gobi Desert in northwest China. The stash was buried along with a shaman.
  • Marijuana has pain-relieving properties and can be used to treat the symptoms of certain medical conditions such as cancer and HIV/AIDS.
  • The number 420 is used as a code or secret language among cannabis users. It originated in the US in the 1970s, but has since then spread worldwide, including the UK.
  • The Hyde Park 420 event generally sees thousands of people, including activists, enthusiasts and the curious, gather to campaign for the legalisation of cannabis.

Top things to do in the UK for 420 Day

  • Inform yourself on the reality of marijuana's dangers and benefits.
  • Visit Leeds: A similar 420 event like in Hyde Park, London, is organized in Leeds, where cannabis supporters gather in public areas to celebrate and call for legalization.
  • Attend the Hyde Park 420 Rally: Every year, thousands of people gather in Hyde Park, London to openly smoke cannabis, demonstrating against its illegality and advocating for the benefits of marijuana. Various speakers, artists, and musicians rally during this peaceful protest.


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