Saint George's Day

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Saint George's Day Quick Facts

AKA NameFeast of Saint George
Hashtags#StGeorgesDay, #StGeorge
2025 Date23 April 2025
2026 Date23 April 2026

Saint George's Day

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Saint George's Day History

Saint George's Day honours the patron saint of England. It aims to commemorate the life and deeds of this Christian martyr, who has become a symbol of courage, perseverance, and faith. The day is marked by various cultural and community events, celebratory parades, and religious ceremonies throughout the country, some of which have been taking place since ancient times. The observance showcases elements of traditional English culture, and many people take this opportunity to display national pride and patriotism.

The origins of Saint George's Day can be traced back to the early Christian period, with the legend of Saint George and the dragon emerging during the Middle Ages. He became the patron saint of England in the 14th century, during the reign of King Edward III. Around this time, the household of the English monarchy adopted the emblem of the red cross on a white background, representing Saint George's Cross. Saint George's Day has since become an important aspect of English cultural identity and has played a significant role in shaping the nation's traditions and customs.

Saint George's Day is officially observed on the 23rd of April, the traditionally recognised date of his martyrdom. Popular ways of celebrating the day include attending local parades and events, dressing up as Saint George or the dragon, and decorating public spaces with flags displaying the Saint George's Cross.

Saint George's Day Facts

  • Saint George is the patron saint England, yet he is believed to have been born in Turkey and there is no record of him ever being in the UK.
  • Saint George is also the patron saint of: Catalonia, Ethiopia, Georgia, Greece, Lithuania, Palestine, Portugal & Russia.
  • Saint George was canonized by Pope Gelasius in 494AD. The Pope said of him ...whose names are justly reverenced among men, but whose acts are known only to God.
  • This holiday is celebrated on April 23rd for UK and Western Countries. Countries that observe Christian Orthodox holidays like Bulgaria celebrate this day on May 6.
  • He was born in the late 3rd century AD in Cappadocia, located in modern-day Turkey, to Christian parents. His father, Gerontius, was a Roman army officer, and his mother, Polychronia, was from Palestine.
  • Saint George's emblem is a red cross on a white background, known as the Saint George's Cross. This symbol has been associated with him since the time of the Crusades and is now also the flag of England.

Saint George's Day Top Events and Things to Do

  • Attend a Parade in honour of Saint George. Two of the most popular parades are at Nottingham, and Trafalgar Square in England.
  • Watch a movie that touches on bravery, one of the qualities that made St George so well-known today. Some of our favourites include: Brave (2012), The Lion King (1995), Life of Pi (2012), Finding Nemo (2003), Schindler's List (1993), Life is Beautiful (1964) and Into the Wild (2007)
  • Indulge in traditional St. George's Day dishes such as roasted lamb, ritual bread, fresh milk, feta cheese, and eggs.
  • Read St George: The Saint Who Slayed the Dragon by Giles Morgan.

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