World Migratory Bird Day

Quick Facts in the US

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2025 DateMay 10, 2025

World Migratory Bird Day

World Migratory Bird Day in

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World Migratory Bird Day History

World Migratory Bird Day seeks to raise awareness about migratory birds. Migratory birds are those who migrate to different regions either to avoid harsh weather or to breed. This migration is not only important for their survival, but it is also important for our society.

Migratory birds are responsible for spreading seeds, pollinating flowers, and acting as pest control. This day aims to educate us about the threats migratory birds face as well as the importance of protecting them. World Migratory Bird Day was started in 2006 as part of a collaboration between the Conservations of African-Eurasian Migratory Waterbirds (AEWA) and the Species of Wild Animals (CMS). In the US and Canada, it is observed annually on the second Saturday in May. In the Southern Hemisphere, it is typically observed on the 2nd Saturday of October to better coincide with the migratory bird seasons there.

World Migratory Bird Day facts

  • World Migratory Bird Day in 2024 will focus on highlighting the importance of insects for migratory birds, and the threats to these vital food sources.
    World Migratory Bird Day in 2023 focused on highlighting the importance of water for migratory birds while identifying key actions for protecting water resources.
  • According to Great Lakes Echo, during the fall migration season, over 4 billion birds in North America migrate towards warmer climates.
  • The Red Knot is a migratory bird species with one of the longest migration routes of any bird. It travels up to 9941 miles (16,000 kilometers) twice a year. It breeds in Siberia and in the winter, travels to the west coast of Africa.

Top things to do in the US for World Migratory Bird Day

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