St James TL / St Philip

St James TL / St Philip Quick Facts in Australia

AKA NameSts. Philip and James the Apostles
2025 Date3 May 2025
2026 Date3 May 2026

St James TL / St Philip

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St James TL / St Philip History

The Observance of Saint Philip and Saint James the Lesser serves to commemorate these two significant figures within the Christian faith. Both figures are recognized for their contributions and service to the faith as apostles. The observance day includes various religious ceremonies and community fellowship in honor of their lives and deeds. Saint Philip is known for his teaching and missionary work while Saint James the Lesser, who is often identified as James the Just, is recognised for his leadership within the early Christian community.

Records indicate that the combined feast day for Saint Philip and Saint James the Lesser was established in the Western Church in the sixth century. However, their recognition within Australia came with the arrival of Christianity, brought by British settlers in the 18th century. Saint Philip is the patron saint of hatters and pastry chefs, industries which hold historical significance in Australia. Saint James the Lesser is particularly important to some Australian Christian communities for his strong moral leadership, which resonates with key Australian values.

Today, this observance in Australia is marked with a variety of traditions and ceremonies which are carried out predominantly within the Anglican and Catholic churches. These may include special church services, personal prayer, and community gatherings. Some also use this day as an opportunity to perform acts of charity, reflecting the apostles' commitment to service for others. The Observance of Saint Philip and Saint James the Lesser occurs on May 3rd, blending historical tradition and contemporary practice, and upholding an important aspect of Australia's Christian heritage.

Facts about St James TL / St Philip

  • The mother of St James, Mary was either a sister or a close relative of the Blessed Virgin Mary, and for that reason, according to Jewish custom, he was sometimes called the brother of Jesus.

  • The Roman Catholic feast day of St. Philip and St. James, Apostles, is held May 3. It honors James, traditionally considered to be the brother of Jesus, and Philip, considered by scripture to be one of Jesus' earliest disciples (John: 1:43).
  • Many Cathedrals and Churches in Australia are named after Saint Philip and Saint James the Lesser though they are not as common as Saint Peter and Saint Paul. One example is the St Philip's Anglican Church in Sydney, which is Australia's oldest Anglican church and has been a site of Christian worship for over 200 years.
  • Australia is multicultural and multi-faith, so while there are certainly Catholics in Australia who venerate Saints Philip and James the Lesser, there are also many people of other religions, or no religion, so the saints may not be as well known or practiced as in some other countries with a solid Catholic majority.

Top things to do in Australia for St James TL / St Philip's Day

  • Read the Epistle of James. This is a letter that addresses several problems occurring in the early church involving the rich, lack of humility, and other issues.
  • Bake a pastry in honor of St. Philip since he is the patron saint of bakers.
  • Visit the picturesque St. Philips Anglican Church located in Sydney, a notable landmark of the region.
  • Read Saint James the Greater in History, Art and Folklore by Victor Houliston

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