No Bra Day

No Bra Day Quick Facts in Canada

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No Bra Day

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No Bra Day History

No Bra Day aims to raise awareness about breast cancer, promote early detection, and encourage donations for breast cancer research. This important event serves as a reminder for women and men to learn more about the risk factors and engage in regular self-examinations. No Bra Day serves to remind women that wearing a bra is a personal choice and encourages embracing body positivity and self-acceptance.

The concept of No Bra Day emerged in 2011 from an anonymous online submission and quickly gained traction, gaining international recognition as a day to raise breast cancer awareness and support people who have faced or are facing this widespread disease. For Canadians, the day holds special significance as the Canadian Cancer Society reports that breast cancer is the most common cancer diagnosis among Canadian women. Furthermore, it is estimated that one in eight Canadian women will develop breast cancer during her lifetime. The society advocates for regular screening, early detection, and continued investment in breast cancer research to help reduce these statistics.

In Canada, No Bra Day is observed by individuals who choose to abstain from wearing a bra for the day and spread awareness through conversations, social media, or participating in organized events. Often, women share their experiences and reasons for participating in the campaign to empower others and show solidarity. No Bra Day occurs primarily in October, coinciding with Breast Cancer Awareness Month, bolstering the overall message and support for breast cancer awareness, research, and prevention.

No Bra Day facts

  • While a lump in the breast is a common symptom of breast cancer, there are other possible symptoms including changes in breast size or shape, skin dimpling, breast or nipple pain, nipple retraction, redness, scaliness, or thickening of the nipple or breast skin, or a nipple discharge other than breast milk.
  • If one or more members of your family have had breast cancer, it may increase your risk. In particular, mutations in the genes BRCA1 and BRCA2 significantly raise your risk of developing breast cancer.
  • Things like smoking, alcohol consumption, poor diet, lack of exercise, and obesity have all been linked to an increased risk of breast cancer. Making healthy lifestyle choices can help reduce your risk.
  • Indigenous women in Canada have significantly lower rates of breast cancer than non-Indigenous women.
  • The incidence of breast cancer is generally higher in the eastern provinces of Canada, particularly Newfoundland and Labrador, and lower in the western provinces.

Top things to do in Canada for No Bra Day

  • Visit your local pubs, restaurants or businesses that may be hosting their own No Bra Day fundraising events. They may have special deals or activities to donate a portion of their proceeds to breast cancer research and support organizations.
  • Participate in No Bra Day online by spreading awareness using #NoBraDay, liking and sharing posts from breast cancer organizations such as the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation and Canadian Cancer Society, or joining their virtual events.

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