Saint Luke

Saint Luke Quick Facts in Canada

AKA NameFeast of St. Luke, Evangelist, Feast of the Holy Apostle and Evangelist St. Luke
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2025 DateOctober 18, 2025
2026 DateOctober 18, 2026

Saint Luke

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St Luke History

The Observance of Saint Luke is a Christian celebration commemorating the life and works of Saint Luke the Evangelist. This religious occasion promotes healing, mercy, and compassion and is known as the patron saint of physicians and healers. In Canada, where Christianity is one of the predominant faiths, observing this event symbolizes the valuable roles that doctors, nurses, and other medical professionals play in society. Recognizing these vocations through Saint Luke’s legacy enables the faithful to appreciate the importance of spiritual healing and the significance of caring for the sick and the vulnerable.

Saint Luke was a physician and a companion of Saint Paul the Apostle, who referred to him as “the beloved physician” (Colossians 4:14). He is believed to have authored the Gospel of Luke and the Acts of the Apostles, making him one of the most significant contributors to the Christian New Testament. In Canada, the relevance of Saint Luke goes beyond the field of medicine, extending to those working in communications, journalism, and other forms of expression. Saint Luke was also recognized as a historian who helped spread the message of the Christian faith through his writings.

The Observance of Saint Luke in Canada consists mainly of religious activities, including attending mass, offering prayers, and participating in Bible study sessions focused on the Gospel of Luke and the Acts of the Apostles. These activities may occur in churches, hospitals, and schools throughout the country, demonstrating the diverse settings where Saint Luke’s message of healing and compassion can be applied. The Observance of Saint Luke takes place annually on October 18. This date marks a time when Canadian Christians honor the life of Saint Luke the Evangelist and uphold the values he stood for in their daily lives.

Saint Luke facts

  • The Gospel of Luke describes a popular passage referred to as the 'The Parable of the Good Samaritan'. In it a traveling man is attacked by robbers who strip and beat him. A priest and a Levite pass by without helping him. A Samaritan stops and cares for him, taking him to an inn where the Samaritan pays for his care. (Luke 10:25-37)
  • Tradition suggests that Saint Luke lived to 84 years old, and he was likely martyred, but the details of his death are unknown. Some accounts propose he might have died of natural causes.
  • According to tradition, the winged ox or bull is the symbol representing Saint Luke, signifying sacrifice, service, and strength.
  • Saint Luke's status as the patron saint of artists has especially deep resonance in Quebec, where art and culture hold an important place in society.
  • There is a St. Luke's Hospital in Ottawa, it provided medical services to the community from 1894 to 1924. Today, the building is now a community housing complex, but its history is kept alive through exhibits.

Top things to do in Canada for this religious observance

  • Some traditions believe that St. Luke, in addition to being a writer and physician, was a painter. Do a little artwork today to honor the saint.
  • Go get a check up. Luke was a physician. Take care of your body in honor of St. Luke.
  • Many Christian denominations hold special services to honor Saint Luke, who is the patron saint of physicians, surgeons, and artists. People may attend church services to pray, give thanks, and seek blessings.
  • In some Canadian communities, people may come together to celebrate Saint Luke Day with social gatherings, potlucks, or communal meals. These events can provide an opportunity for people to rejoice in their shared faith and engage in fellowship.

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