International Day of the Tropics

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International Day of the Tropics

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International Day of the Tropics History

The International Day of the Tropics is a globally recognized observance designed to raise awareness on the unique challenges faced by tropical communities and ecosystems. It highlights the immense cultural and biological diversity in these regions, as well as their economic potential. Addressing issues such as climate change, deforestation and sustainable development, the observance seeks to promote global partnerships to accelerate progress in the tropics.

Established by the United Nations General Assembly in 2016, the International Day of the Tropics is rooted in the Tropics Day event, hosted by James Cook University in Australia. The importance of this Observance for New Zealand is multifaceted - given its geographical location near the tropics, the country has a shared responsibility in addressing the challenges faced by these regions, particularly in the Pacific. Furthermore, many New Zealanders maintain strong connections to tropical countries through heritage, travel, or business, making the sustainable development of these regions directly relevant to the well-being and prosperity of New Zealand and its inhabitants.

In New Zealand, various organizations such as universities, government departments, and non-governmental organizations participate in the Observance by hosting seminars, workshops, and public discussions to foster awareness and understanding of the tropical regions. These events often include presentations from experts, exhibitions showcasing tropical flora and fauna, and information on sustainable development initiatives. The International Day of the Tropics is observed annually on the 29th of June, and the sharing of information and experiences on this day serves to strengthen New Zealand's commitment to creating a more sustainable future for the tropics and its people.

International Day of the Tropics facts

  • According to the UN, almost half of the world's population lives in the Tropics.
  • More than 80% of the world's biodiversity lives in the Tropics.
  • The State of the Tropics Report pointed out an interesting fact that by the late 2040s, the Tropics will be more populous than the rest of the world combined.
  • New Zealand's subtropical influences have also contributed to its unique bird species, many of which are not found anywhere else in the world. Examples include the kiwi, tui, and kereru.
  • The East Auckland Current, which originates from the Coral Sea in the tropics, flows southwards along New Zealand's east coast, bringing warmer waters to the surrounding areas.

Top things to do in NZ for this observance

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