International Firefighters Day

Quick Facts - NZ

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2025 Date4 May 2025

International Firefighters Day

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International Firefighters Day History

World Food Safety Day is an annual observance, globally recognized for its aim to raise awareness and underline the importance of safe food production and consumption. This event wasinitiated by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). World Environment Day calls for worldwide attention to food safety, as it directly impacts public health, social and economic development. Central to this global campaign is the message that access to safe food is essential for all individuals and communities, and should be upheld as a basic human right.

Established in 2018, World Food Safety Day highlights that everyone, including New Zealanders, has a part to play in safeguarding the food we consume. Approximately 2 million deaths occur globally each year due to foodborne and waterborne illnesses, emphasizing the importance of maintaining a safe food supply chain. New Zealand is renowned for its agricultural produce and flourishing food industry, making it essential that food safety practices remain at the forefront of national concern in order to protect the wellbeing of its citizens and maintain its international reputation for quality produce.

On World Food Safety Day, New Zealand participates in various activities to promote awareness for the cause. Businesses, educational institutions, and governmental organizations are encouraged to host initiatives, such as public campaigns and seminars, focused on educating people about proper food handling practices and promoting a culture of food safety. The event takes place annually on the 7th of June, providing New Zealanders with an opportunity to engage in discussions, learn about best practices, and work together to contribute to the global effort of ensuring a safe and healthy food supply for all.

International Firefighters Day facts

  • The "Danger Zone" for food is between 40°F (4°C) and 140°F (60°C), as this range allows bacteria to grow rapidly. It is important to keep perishable foods below 40°F (4°C) or above 140°F (60°C) to prevent bacterial growth.
  • According to the World Health Organization, about 600 million people around the world fall ill after eating contaminated food each year.
  • Unsafe food is responsible for more than 200 diseases because of the harmful bacteria, viruses, parasites, or chemical substances it can contain.
  • According to a study by the MPI, there are about 200,000 cases of food-related illnesses every year in New Zealand. Campylobacter is the most common cause, followed by Salmonella and Norovirus.
  • All genetically modified food products must be approved by the Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) and be appropriately labeled to inform consumers.

Top things to do in NZ for International Firefighters Day

  • Watch the 2021 World Food Safety Day video.
  • Learn more about food safety.
  • Watch a documentary to learn more about food safety and the food industry in New Zealand. Here are our suggestions:
    1. Country Calendar: Food Safety (2016) - This episode of Country Calendar follows the journey of locally produced food and shows how food safety regulations are implemented to ensure quality and safety in food production.
    2. Kaikoura Earthquake: The Cut-off Farmers (2016) - This documentary explores the resilience of New Zealand farmers who faced challenges in food safety and farming practices after a massive earthquake hit the region.
    3. Campylobacter - The New Zealander (2014) - This documentary delves into the alarming rates of Campylobacter food poisoning in New Zealand and how the country is addressing the issue in terms of food safety and handling practices.
  • Celebrate World Food Safety Day by following food safety protocol and preparing a traditional dish. Here are our suggestions:
    1. Roast Lamb: New Zealand is known for its high-quality lamb, and a roast lamb is a traditional and popular dish.
    2. Fish and Chips: A popular takeaway food in New Zealand, homemade fish and chips can be a great way to celebrate World Food Safety Day.
    3. Kiwi Burger: A New Zealand-style hamburger that typically includes beetroot, pineapple, cheese, lettuce, and a fried egg.

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