
Ascension Quick Facts in NZ

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Ascension History

The Observance of Ascension, also known as Ascension Day or Feast of the Ascension, is a religious event for Christians in New Zealand. This day serves to commemorate Jesus Christ's physical ascent into Heaven, as described in the Bible. This event marks the conclusion of Jesus' earthly ministry and the beginning of the Church's mission to spread the Gospel, inspired by the Holy Spirit.

The history of Ascension can be traced back to the New Testament, where the event is detailed in the Gospel of Luke and the Acts of the Apostles. According to these accounts, after Jesus' resurrection from the dead, He appeared to His followers for forty days before being taken up into Heaven before their eyes. Early Christians started celebrating the Ascension as early as the 4th century, and it has since become an important event in the Christian liturgical calendar.

In New Zealand, as in other Christian countries, the Observance of Ascension takes place on a Thursday, forty days after Easter Sunday. The timing of Ascension Day varies annually as it depends on the date of Easter, which is itself determined by the lunar calendar. This event often includes religious activities such as special church services, prayers, and hymns, to emphasize the significance of Jesus' ascent into Heaven.

Ascension facts

  • The Apostle's Creed, one of the statements of faith in the Christian Church, mentions Jesus' ascension:
    I believe in God the Father, Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth;
    And in Jesus Christ, his only begotten Son, our Lord,
    who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary,
    suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, dead and buried.
    The third day he rose from the dead.
    He ascended into heaven and sits at the right hand of God the Father Almighty.
  • Ascension is the 40th day after Easter, celebrated on the sixth Sunday of the Easter season in Protestant churches and on the 40th day after Easter in Roman Catholic churches. It commemorates the day that Jesus ascended into heaven (Acts 1:1-11) after spending 40 days appearing to his disciples after his resurrection.
  • In the Maori language, Ascension Day is known as "Me Rarama".
  • In the early 20th century, Ascension Day became associated with the flying of kites, a tradition that was brought to New Zealand by Chinese immigrants.

Top things to do in NZ for Ascension

  • Go bird watching. A custom in Sweden, is to get up early in the morning of Ascension and venture out into the woods to listen for the call of a cuckoo. It is considered good luck to hear one on this holiday.
  • Go to church and learn about why Jesus' ascension is important to the Christian faith. Jesus is considered to be both human and divine, and the ascension is an illustration of Christ's divine nature.
  • Attend Church services: Many churches hold special services to celebrate the day. Worshippers attend mass or other services to reflect on the biblical story of Jesus' ascension and its meaning in their faith.
  • Visit the Christchurch Transitional Cathedral (Cardboard Cathedral): This unique structure in Christchurch was built after the 2011 earthquakes and serves as a temporary worship space for the city's Anglican congregation.

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