International Day of UN Peacekeepers

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International Day of UN Peacekeepers

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International Day of UN Peacekeepers History

The International Day of United Nations Peacekeepers is an observance dedicated to paying tribute to the contributions and sacrifices made by UN peacekeepers in maintaining global peace, security, and stability. This day serves to honor the bravery and professionalism of the deployed soldiers, police officers, and civilian personnel who provide assistance to countries in post-conflict situations.

Since 1954, New Zealand has contributed to a variety of UN peacekeeping missions. Over 15,000 Austrailian personnel have served in over 72 individual missions. The International Day of UN Peacekeepers creates time to reflect on the extensive experience and unyielding dedication of its servicemen and women. .

In New Zealand, the International Day of UN Peacekeepers is celebrated with flag-raising ceremonies, memorial services, and speeches by dignitaries. Each year on the 29th of May, the International Day of United Nations Peacekeepers serves as a reminder to New Zealanders of their commitment to creating a better world through international unity, peace, and cooperation.

Facts about United Nations Peacekeepers

  • The total budget for UN peacekeeping operations for the fiscal year 2022-2023 is approximately $6.45 billion.
  • The United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in Mali (MINUSMA) is currently the largest peacekeeping mission, with over 14,000 personnel deployed.
  • Over 120 countries contribute troops and personnel to UN peacekeeping missions. The top contributors are Bangladesh, Ethiopia, Rwanda, Nepal, and Egypt.
  • Approximately 1,000 New Zealand Defence Force (NZDF) personnel served in the East Timor 1999–2003 peacekeeping mission to help restore peace and security.
  • Currently, New Zealand supports several UN peacekeeping missions around the world, including in South Sudan, Mali, and the Middle East.

Top things to do in NZ for this observance

  • Explore several stories about the UN's peacekeeping efforts.
  • Learn more about the UN Peacekeeper and their operations.
  • Watch a documentary to learn more about the role and history of the New Zealand Peacekeepers. Here are our top picks:
    1. Soldiers Without Guns (2019) - This documentary highlights the New Zealand Peacekeepers' role in facilitating the peace process in Bougainville, Papua New Guinea.
    2. A Force More Powerful (1999) - This Emmy-nominated documentary series showcases nonviolent strategies used to promote peace, which have involved the support of the UN and peacekeeping efforts.
    3. The New Maori Warriors - This documentary highlights the importance of Maori culture in New Zealand's peacekeeping military operations.
  • Read a boo to learn more about New Zealand's role in UN Peacekeeping missions. Here are our top picks:
    1. Blue Hats - New Zealand at War: Kiwi Peacekeepers in Bosnia, Bougainville, Cambodia, Mozambique, Rwanda and Somalia by John Crawford- This book provides an overview of New Zealand's peacekeeping engagements, including the United Nations missions in multiple countries.
    2. New Zealand - United Nations Command in Korea: South Island peacekeepers in Korea by Brian P. Dalton – Although this book focuses on New Zealand's peacekeeping role during the Korean War, it also offers insight into the country's broader commitment to international peacekeeping efforts.
    3. New Zealand Defence Policy: The Politics of Security by Denis McLean – This book explores the evolution of New Zealand's defence policy and its peacekeeping efforts as part of the UN framework.
    4. New Zealand and the United Nations by New Zealand Institute of International Affairs – This book discusses New Zealand's involvement in the United Nations across various aspects, including peacekeeping missions.

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