420 Day

420 Day Quick Facts in Australia

AKA Name420, National Weed Day, National Marijuana Day
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2025 Date20 April 2025
2026 Date20 April 2026

420 Day

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420 Day History

420 Day involves the celebration and advocacy for the use of cannabis, a substance that holds both cultural significance and contemporary controversy. The day brings social issues to the forefront, prompting discussions about drug policy, criminal justice reform, and civil liberties. Its activities often include education, advocacy, social networking, and expression of support for cannabis through various art forms and events.

420 Day, despite its global reach, has a somewhat unclear history. Northern California's San Rafael High School is believed to be its origin point, where a group of students would allegedly meet at 4:20 p.m to consume cannabis. In Australia, 420 Day has gained significant relevance in recent years, particularly influencing the national discourse on marijuana legislation. The fact that Australia currently allows the medical use of cannabis, yet keeps its recreational use illegal, creates a notable context in which 420 Day is celebrated.

On 420 Day in Australia, citizens often gather in major cities to publicly advocate for the decriminalisation and regularisation of marijuana. Peaceful demonstrations, shared experiences, and collective efforts are common, with the day serving as a platform for Australians to voice their opinions and engage in civic action. Events often take place at venues like city squares or parks, welcoming anyone interested in participating. 420 Day happens annually on April 20, yet due to geographical contrast, it happens on April 21 in Australia because of the time difference.

Facts about 420 Day

  • The oldest marijuana stash ever found is believed to be 2,700 years old. Two pounds of the dried plant were uncovered in an ancient tomb in the Gobi Desert in northwest China. The stash was buried along with a shaman.
  • Marijuana has pain-relieving properties and can be used to treat the symptoms of certain medical conditions such as cancer and HIV/AIDS.
  • Australia's capital, Canberra, became the first city in the country to legalize recreational cannabis use in 2019. The first "legal" 420 Day celebration was scheduled for 2020 but had to be canceled due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • The Nimbin MardiGrass, an annual cannabis protestival/festival in Nimbin, New South Wales, is often aligned with 420 Day. Established in 1993, the festival aims to raise awareness about the benefits of cannabis, protest against criminal penalties and advocate for law reforms.

Top things to do in Australia for 420 Day

  • Inform yourself on the reality of marijuana's dangers and benefits.
  • MardiGrass in Nimbin: Nimbin is a small town in New South Wales known for its progressive culture and support for the decriminalization of cannabis. MardiGrass is an annual rally and festival promoting cannabis law reform. Though it usually takes place in early May, it may still be of interest to those looking to celebrate 420 Day.
  • Free Cannabis Victoria 420 Picnic: This was a peaceful gathering held in Melbourne's Flagstaff Gardens aimed at promoting the legalization of cannabis.

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