420 Day

420 Day Quick Facts in Canada

AKA Name420, National Weed Day, National Marijuana Day
HashtagsCompiled on#420day
Related Hashtags#420
2025 DateApril 20, 2025
2026 DateApril 20, 2026

420 Day

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420 Day History

420 day, or April 20th is widely recognized as holiday celebrated by people who support the use and legalization of cannabis, also known as marijuana. The significance of 420 day in Canada is similar to its significance in other countries, with people coming together to celebrate and advocate for the use and acceptance of cannabis.

Facts about 420 Day

  • The oldest marijuana stash ever found is believed to be 2,700 years old. Two pounds of the dried plant were uncovered in an ancient tomb in the Gobi Desert in northwest China. The stash was buried along with a shaman.
  • Marijuana has pain-relieving properties and can be used to treat the symptoms of certain medical conditions such as cancer and HIV/AIDS.
  • For many Canadians, 420 day is a chance to celebrate the cannabis culture and the freedom to use cannabis, which became legal for recreational use in Canada on October 17, 2018, after the Cannabis Act was passed.
  • The day is often used as an opportunity to advocate for the legal and social acceptance of cannabis use, as well as for further research into its potential medical benefits.

Top things to do in Canada for 420 Day

  • Inform yourself on the reality of marijuana's dangers and benefits.
  • Attend Vancouver's 420 Festival at Sunset Beach or Toronto's 420 Rally at Nathan Phillips Square. These events often feature live music, food trucks, vendors, and cannabis-themed activities.
  • Watch the Movie Trailer Park Boys (2006) - A Canadian mockumentary film based on the popular television series, "Trailer Park Boys." The story follows the misadventures of a group of friends living in a trailer park as they try to make money through various schemes, including growing and selling marijuana.

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