World No Tobacco Day

World No Tobacco Day Quick Facts in Canada

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World No Tobacco Day

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World No Tobacco Day History

World No Tobacco Day is a global initiative to spread awareness about the harmful effects of tobacco consumption, and to discourage the use of tobacco in all forms. Observed annually, the day primarily focuses on the impact of tobacco on public health, reduction of tobacco dependence, and promoting effective policies to curb tobacco consumption. It also highlights the significance of collective efforts by governments, public health organizations, and civil societies in achieving a tobacco-free world.

Established in 1987 by the World Health Assembly, World No Tobacco Day has become an essential movement to confront the worldwide smoking epidemic. In Canada, the observance of this day is crucial as recent reports reveal that approximately 45,000 Canadians die every year due to tobacco-related illness, with a substantial medical and economic burden on the nation's healthcare system. By participating in World No Tobacco Day, Canadians express their support for policies and strategies that encourage tobacco reduction, advance prevention measures, and prioritize public health over the interests of the tobacco industry.

On World No Tobacco Day in Canada, numerous activities take place across the country. Community-based organizations and healthcare providers often conduct awareness campaigns and educational programs to shed light on the health hazards associated with tobacco use, support tobacco users in their cessation journey, and demonstrate the importance of the Government's anti-tobacco efforts. Some public places even partake in observing a complete ban on tobacco sales and consumption to show solidarity. World No Tobacco Day is observed annually on the 31st of May in Canada, in accordance with the global schedule established by the World Health Organization (WHO).

World No Tobacco Day facts

  • According to the World Health Organization, nearly 80% of the world's 1 billion smokers live in low and middle income countries.
  • Arsenic, lead, and tar are just three of the 7,000 chemicals that are found in tobacco smoke.
  • Globally, the prevalence of tobacco smoking is higher among men, with around 32% of men being smokers compared to approximately 9% of women.
  • Smoking is the leading cause of preventable deaths in Canada, contributing to more than 45,000 deaths annually.
  • Smoking rates in Indigenous communities in Canada are substantially higher than the national average, with about 37% of First Nations adults on-reserve and 27% of Inuit smokers.

Top things to do in Canada for World No Tobacco Day

  • Educate youth and teenagers in your neighborhood about the negative effects of smoking and encourage them to quit if they have already picked up the habit. The best way to eradicate smoking is by educating the new generation of the negative effects of tobacco use.
  • Volunteer for the Freedom from Smoking program or another like program that helps smokers quit.
  • Particpate in a educational workshop held by a local health organizations or community center to promote World No Tobacco Day.
  • Read a book about the dangers of Tobacco and its threat to the health of Canadians. Here are our top picks:
    1. An Unfiltered History of Tobacco: From Seed to Cigarette Smoke by James Shelley
    2. Merchants of Doubt: How a Handful of Scientists Obscured the Truth on Issues from Tobacco Smoke to Global Warming by Naomi Oreskes and Erik M. Conway
    3. Tobacco: Science, Policy, and Public Health edited by Peter Boyle, Nigel Gray, Jack Henningfield, John Seffrin, and Witold Zatonski
    4. Ending the Tobacco Holocaust: How Big Tobacco Affects Our Health, Pocketbook, and Political Freedom and What We Can Do About It by Michael Rabinoff

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