Saint Joseph

Saint Joseph Quick Facts in Canada

AKA NameFeast of St. Joseph, Husband of Mary, San Giuseppe
Hashtags#StJoseph, #SaintJoseph
2025 DateMarch 19, 2025
2026 DateMarch 19, 2026

Saint Joseph

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St Joseph History

The Observance of Saint Joseph serves to honour the life of Saint Joseph of Nazareth, the legal father of Jesus Christ. This observance also reflects on Saint Joseph's virtues such as his unwavering faith, unquestioning obedience to divine command and diligent protection of the Holy Family. Recognized as a model of righteousness and the patron saint of workers, Saint Joseph is venerated in various ways; including special church services, processions, and feasts.

Saint Joseph's observance has its roots dating back to the medieval era and has gradually developed significant resonance within the Canadian context. Canada, known for its cultural diversity, has a substantial population of Catholics, for whom Saint Joseph holds immense significance. In the Canadian context, Saint Joseph is also recognized as the patron saint of Canada since 1624, declared so by the country's first bishop, Franรงois de Laval. His virtuous life, simple demeanor, and respect for work resonate with the cultural ethos of Canadians, augmenting the relevance of Saint Josephโ€™s day in the country.

Many Canadians celebrate Saint Joseph's day with great enthusiasm. Travellers often visit the Saint Joseph's Oratory in Montreal, the largest shrine dedicated to Saint Joseph in the world, on this day for special services. Activities include prayer sessions, processions, sharing of Saint Joseph's bread and a feast symbolizing the Last Supper. Saint Joseph's day is observed annually on March 19th, aligning with the liturgical calendar of the Roman Catholic Church.

Facts about Saint Joseph

  • Joseph is noted in the Bible for being a direct descendant of King David in the Old Testament, which gives him a royal lineage (Matthew 1:1-16, Luke 3:23-38).
  • St. Joseph actually has two feast days in the Roman Catholic Church. The March 19 date celebrates him as husband of Mary. He is revered again on May 1 as a worker. In the Orthodox tradition, Joseph is revered during the Great Feast of the Nativity of Our Lord in September.
  • Named after Saint Joseph by French explorers, this island is the second largest island in Lake Huron and is located in Ontario, Canada. This island bears a significant history involving the War of 1812 between America and British North America (which included modern-day Canada).
  • Saint Joseph's Oratory in Montreal, Quebec, is Canada's largest church and holds the honor of being the world's largest sanctuary dedicated to Saint Joseph. Brother Andrรฉ Bessette is credited with creating it in homage to Saint Joseph. The oratory attracts approximately 2 million visitors each year.

Top things to do in Canada for Saint Joseph's Day

  • Practice carpentry skills to build something. Jesus is known as the son of a carpenter, or builder. Saint Joseph is the patron saint of carpenters.
  • Visit an Italian bakery and pick up St Joseph's bread (Pane di San Giuseppe). St. Joseph's Bread is typically made with egg and has a thicker crust. It is often marked or shaped in a cross.
  • Read a book to learn more about Saint Joseph:
    Rediscover Saint Joseph: A Minimalist Approach to God's Not-So-Ordinary Superhero - by Robert B. Keane - It may not be specific to Canada but it gives a good overview of Saint Joseph's life and works.
    The Life and Glories of Saint Joseph - by Edward Healy Thompson - One of the most comprehensive books about Saint Joseph, giving insights about his life and miracles attributed to him.
  • Visit the Oratory Museum in Montreal, Quebec, which depicts historical and artistic artifacts.


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